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TreeTools (version 1.13.0)

NodeDepth: Distance of each node from tree exterior


NodeDepth() evaluates how "deep" each node is within a tree.


NodeDepth(x, shortest = FALSE, includeTips = TRUE)


NodeDepth() returns an integer vector specifying the depth of each external and internal node in x.



A tree of class phylo, its $edge property, or a list thereof.


Logical specifying whether to calculate the length of the shortest away-from-root path to a leaf. If FALSE, the length of the longest such route will be returned.


Logical specifying whether to include leaves (each of depth zero) in return value.


For a rooted tree, the depth of a node is the minimum (if shortest = TRUE) or maximum (shortest = FALSE) number of edges that must be traversed, moving away from the root, to reach a leaf.

Unrooted trees are treated as if a root node occurs in the "middle" of the tree, meaning the position that will minimise the maximum node depth.

See Also

ape::node.depth returns the number of tips descended from a node.

Other tree navigation: AncestorEdge(), CladeSizes(), DescendantEdges(), EdgeAncestry(), EdgeDistances(), ListAncestors(), MRCA(), MatchEdges(), NDescendants(), NodeNumbers(), NodeOrder(), RootNode()


Run this code
tree <- CollapseNode(BalancedTree(10), c(12:13, 19))
nodelabels(NodeDepth(tree, includeTips = FALSE))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab