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TreeTools (version 1.13.0)

UnshiftTree: Add tree to start of list


UnshiftTree() adds a phylogenetic tree to the start of a list of trees. This is useful where the class of a list of trees is unknown, or where names of trees should be retained.


UnshiftTree(add, treeList)


UnshiftTree() returns a list of class list or multiPhylo

(following the original class of treeList), whose first element is the tree specified as `add.



Tree to add to the list, of class phylo.


A list of trees, of class list, multiPhylo, or, if a single tree, phylo.


Caution: adding a tree to a multiPhylo object whose own attributes apply to all trees, for example trees read from a Nexus file, causes data to be lost.

See Also

c() joins a tree or series of trees to a multiPhylo object, but loses names and does not handle lists of trees.

Other utility functions: ClusterTable, ClusterTable-methods, Hamming(), MSTEdges(), SampleOne(), TipTimedTree(), as.multiPhylo(), match,phylo,phylo-method, sapply64(), sort.multiPhylo()


Run this code
forest <- as.phylo(0:5, 6)
tree <- BalancedTree(6)

UnshiftTree(tree, forest)
UnshiftTree(tree, tree)

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