# create list with selectivity information
select.list <- list(selecType = 'knife_edge',
Lc = 34, L75 = 37, tc = 5, meshSizes = c(60,80),
select_p1 = 2.7977, select_p2 = 0.1175)
# create vector with mid lengths
Lt <- seq(5, 50, 0.01)
# knife edge selectivity
sel_ke <- select_ogive(select.list, Lt)
# trawl ogive selectivity
select.list$selecType = "trawl_ogive"
sel_to <- select_ogive(select.list, Lt)
plot(Lt, sel_ke, type = 'l')
lines(Lt, sel_to, col = 'blue')
# Gillnet selectivity ("lognormal" and "normal_fixed")
select.list$selecType <- "lognormal"
sel_log <- select_ogive(select.list, Lt)
select.list$selecType <- "normal_fixed"
select.list$select_p1 <- 0.2
select.list$select_p2 <- 1.5
sel_nf <- select_ogive(select.list, Lt)
plot(Lt, sel_log, type = 'l')
lines(Lt, sel_nf, col = 'blue')
# }
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