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TropFishR (version 1.6.1)

synLFQ5: Synthetic length-frequency data V (without seasonal oscillation)


Synthetic length-frequency data as generated by the function lfqGen from the fishdynr package (Taylor 2016). Can be used by ELEFAN or ELEFAN_SA. The data is generated with the following von Bertalanffy growth parameters:

  • K = 0.5

  • Linf = 80

  • C = 0

  • ts = 0

  • t_anchor = 0.25 (Time when yearly recruitment pulse occurs; e.g. 0 = Jan 1, 0.25 = Apr 1, 0.5 = Jul 1st, 0.75 = Oct 1)

Further settings include:

  • Linf.cv = 0.05

  • K.cv = 0.05

  • L50 = 20 (length at 50% prob. of capture via trawl net)

  • wqs = 0 (width between 25% and 75% prob. of capture quantiles; i.e. wqs = 0 is knife-edge selection)

  • M = 0.5 (Natural mortality rate)

  • harvest_rate = 0.5 (Fishing mortality rate)





A list of class lfq consisting of:

  • dates dates of sampling times (class Date),

  • midLengths midpoints of the length classes,

  • catch matrix with catches/counts per length class (row) and sampling date (column).


Run this code

# plot of length frequencies
plot(synLFQ5, Fname = "catch")

# plot of restructured length frequencies
synLFQ5 <- lfqRestructure(synLFQ5, MA = 15)
plot(synLFQ5, Fname = "rcounts")

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab