if (requireNamespace("DMwR2", quietly = TRUE)) {
data(algae, package ="DMwR2")
clean.algae <- data.frame(algae[complete.cases(algae), ])
# classes spring and winter remain unchanged
C.perc = list(autumn = 2, summer = 1.5, spring = 1)
myover.algae <- RandOverClassif(season~., clean.algae, C.perc)
oveBalan.algae <- RandOverClassif(season~., clean.algae, "balance")
oveInvert.algae <- RandOverClassif(season~., clean.algae, "extreme")
} else {
myover.cats <- RandOverClassif(Sex~., cats, list(M = 1.5))
oveBalan.cats <- RandOverClassif(Sex~., cats, "balance")
oveInvert.cats <- RandOverClassif(Sex~., cats, "extreme")
# learn a model and check results with original and over-sampled data
idx <- sample(1:nrow(cats), as.integer(0.7 * nrow(cats)))
tr <- cats[idx, ]
ts <- cats[-idx, ]
ctO <- rpart(Sex ~ ., tr)
predsO <- predict(ctO, ts, type = "class")
new.cats <- RandOverClassif(Sex~., tr, "balance")
ct1 <- rpart(Sex ~ ., new.cats)
preds1 <- predict(ct1, ts, type = "class")
table(predsO, ts$Sex)
table(preds1, ts$Sex)
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