if (FALSE) {
# examples with a utility surface
data(Boston, package = "MASS")
tgt <- which(colnames(Boston) == "medv")
sp <- sample(1:nrow(Boston), as.integer(0.7*nrow(Boston)))
train <- Boston[sp,]
test <- Boston[-sp,]
control.parms <- phi.control(Boston[,tgt], method="extremes", extr.type="both")
# the boundaries of the domain considered
minds <- min(Boston[,tgt])-5
maxds <- max(Boston[,tgt])+5
# build m.pts to include at least the utility of the
# points (minds, maxds) and (maxds, minds)
m.pts <- matrix(c(minds, maxds, -1, maxds, minds, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
trues <- test[,tgt]
model <- randomForest(medv~., train)
preds <- predict(model, test)
resLIN <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="util", control.parms, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "bilinear", visual=TRUE)
resIDW <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="util", control.parms, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "idw", visual=TRUE)
resSPL <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="util", control.parms, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "spl", visual=TRUE)
resKRIGE <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="util", control.parms, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "krige", visual=TRUE)
# examples with a cost surface
data(Boston, package = "MASS")
tgt <- which(colnames(Boston) == "medv")
sp <- sample(1:nrow(Boston), as.integer(0.7*nrow(Boston)))
train <- Boston[sp,]
test <- Boston[-sp,]
# the boundaries of the domain considered
minds <- min(Boston[,tgt])-5
maxds <- max(Boston[,tgt])+5
# build m.pts to include at least the utility of the
# points (minds, maxds) and (maxds, minds)
m.pts <- matrix(c(minds, maxds, 5, maxds, minds, 20),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
trues <- test[,tgt]
# train a model and predict on test set
model <- randomForest(medv~., train)
preds <- predict(model, test)
costLIN <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="cost", control.parms=NULL, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "bilinear", visual=TRUE )
costSPL <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="cost", control.parms=NULL, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "spl", visual=TRUE)
costKRIGE <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="cost", control.parms=NULL, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "krige", visual=TRUE)
costIDW <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="cost", control.parms=NULL, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "idw", visual=TRUE)
# if the user has a cost matrix and wants to specify the control.parms:
my.pts <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0), byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
control.parms <- phi.control(trues, method="range", control.pts = my.pts)
costLIN <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="cost", control.parms=control.parms,
minds, maxds, m.pts, method = "bilinear", visual=TRUE )
# first trues and preds
# first cost results on these predictions for cost surface costIDW
# a summary of these prediction costs:
#example with a benefit surface
# define control.parms either by defining a list with 3 named elements
# or by calling phi.control function with method range and passing
# the selected control.pts
control.parms <- list(method="range", npts=5,
m.pts <- matrix(c(minds, maxds, 0, maxds, minds, 0),
byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
benLIN <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="ben", control.parms, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "bilinear", visual=TRUE)
benIDW <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="ben", control.parms, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "idw", visual=TRUE)
benSPL <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="ben", control.parms, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "spl", visual=TRUE)
benKRIGE <- UtilInterpol(trues, preds, type="ben", control.parms, minds, maxds, m.pts,
method = "krige", visual=TRUE)
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