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UKFE (version 0.2.8)

SCF: Seasonal correction factor (SCF)


The results of applying the ratio of the seasonal annual maximum rainfall for a given duration to the annual maximum rainfall for the same duration


SCF(SAAR, duration)


A data.frame of one row and two columns: SCFSummer and SCFWinter.



standardised average annual rainfall. Numeric


duration in hours. Numeric


Anthony Hammond


The SCF and it's use is detailed in R&D Technical Report FD1913/TR - Revitalisation of the FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method (2005). The ReFH model has a design rainfall profile included for winter and summer but the depth duration frequency (DDF) model is calibrated on annual maximum peaks as opposed to seasonal peaks. The SCF is necessary to convert the DDF estimate to a seasonal one. Similarly, the DDF model is calibrated on point rainfall and the area reduction factor converts it to a catchment rainfall for use with a rainfall runoff model such as ReFH (see details of the ReFH function).The final depth, therefore is; Depth = DDFdepth x ARF x SCF.


Run this code
#Derive the SCFs for a SAAR of 1981 and a duration of 6.5
SCF(1981, 6.5)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab