A data frame with 600 observations on the following 9 variables.
- wt
A numeric weight used in sampling
- gender
1=Male, 2=Female, 7=not recorded
- grade
1 = 6th, 2 = 8th, 3 = 10th
- live.with.father
1 = Y, 2 = N
- amt.smoke
Amount of days you smoked cigarettes in last 30. 1 = all 30, 2=
20-29, 3 = 10-19, 4 = 6-9, 5= 3-5, 6 = 1-2, 7=0
- alcohol
Have you ever drank alcohol, 1 = Y, 2 = N
- amt.alcohol
Number of days in last 30 in which you drank
- marijuana
Ever smoke marijuana. 1 = Y, 2= N
- amt.marijuana
Number of days in lst 30 that marijuana was
used. 1 = Never used, 2 = all 30, 3 =
20-29, 4 = 10-19, 5 = 6-9, 6 = 3-5, 7 = 1-2, 8 =Used, but not in
last 30 days