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VFP (version 1.4.3)

VFP-package: (V)ariance (F)unction (P)rogram


The intended use of this package is to implement variance functions proposed in Sadler's VFP stand-alone software (see reference below), from which the name was borrowed as well. Main function of this package is fit.vfp for fitting non-linear variance-function models. Usually, these models are fitted to analysis-results of precision performance data e.g. frequently generated for in-vitro diagnostics (IVD). R-package VFP is designed to work best on objects of class 'VCA' as generated by R-package VCA but it is not restricted to these. There are several functions operating on S3-objects of class 'VFP', e.g. plot.VFP, print.VFP, summary.VFP, and predict.VFP. Function predictMean is of special interest when a functional relationship is used to derive limit of quantitation (LoQ) or functional sensitivity, as the concentration at which the IVD-imprecision expressed as coefficient of variation (CV) undercuts a specific threshold.



Andre Schuetzenmeister andre.schuetzenmeister@roche.com, Florian Dufey florian.dufey@roche.com, Andrea Geistanger andrea.geistanger@roche.com


License:GPL (>=3)


CLSI EP05-A3: Evaluation of Precision of Quantitative Measurement Procedures; Approved Guideline - Third Edition. (2014)

Sadler WA, Smith MH. Use and Abuse of Imprecision Profiles: Some Pitfalls Illustarted by Computing and Plotting Confidence Intervals. Clin Chem 1990; 36/7:1346-1350

Sadler WA, Smith MH. A reliable method of estimating the variance function in immunoassays. Comput Stat Data Anal 1986; 3:227-239

Sadler WA, Smith MH. Estimation of imprecision in immunoassays quality assessment programmes. Ann Clin Biochem 1987; 24:98-102
