# Example 1: right censored data
set.seed(123); U <- 20
cdata <- data.frame(y = rpois(N <- 100, exp(3)))
cdata <- transform(cdata, cy = pmin(U, y),
rcensored = (y >= U))
cdata <- transform(cdata, status = ifelse(rcensored, 0, 1))
with(cdata, table(cy))
with(cdata, table(rcensored))
with(cdata, table(ii <- print(SurvS4(cy, status)))) # Check; U+ means >= U
fit <- vglm(SurvS4(cy, status) ~ 1, cenpoisson, data = cdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
table(print(depvar(fit))) # Another check; U+ means >= U
# Example 2: left censored data
L <- 15
cdata <- transform(cdata, cY = pmax(L, y),
lcensored = y < L) # Note y < L, not cY == L or y <= L
cdata <- transform(cdata, status = ifelse(lcensored, 0, 1))
with(cdata, table(cY))
with(cdata, table(lcensored))
with(cdata, table(ii <- print(SurvS4(cY, status, type = "left")))) # Check
fit <- vglm(SurvS4(cY, status, type = "left") ~ 1, cenpoisson, data = cdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
# Example 3: interval censored data
cdata <- transform(cdata, Lvec = rep(L, len = N),
Uvec = rep(U, len = N))
cdata <- transform(cdata, icensored = Lvec <= y & y < Uvec) # Not lcensored or rcensored
with(cdata, table(icensored))
cdata <- transform(cdata, status = rep(3, N)) # 3 means interval censored
cdata <- transform(cdata, status = ifelse(rcensored, 0, status)) # 0 means right censored
cdata <- transform(cdata, status = ifelse(lcensored, 2, status)) # 2 means left censored
# Have to adjust Lvec and Uvec because of the (start, end] format:
cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, icensored)] <- cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, icensored)] - 1
cdata$Uvec[with(cdata, icensored)] <- cdata$Uvec[with(cdata, icensored)] - 1
cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, lcensored)] <- cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, lcensored)] # Unchanged
cdata$Lvec[with(cdata, rcensored)] <- cdata$Uvec[with(cdata, rcensored)] # Unchanged
with(cdata, table(ii <- print(SurvS4(Lvec, Uvec, status, type = "interval")))) # Check
fit <- vglm(SurvS4(Lvec, Uvec, status, type = "interval") ~ 1,
cenpoisson, data = cdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
table(print(depvar(fit))) # Another check
# Example 4: Add in some uncensored observations
index <- (1:N)[with(cdata, icensored)]
index <- head(index, 4)
cdata$status[index] <- 1 # actual or uncensored value
cdata$Lvec[index] <- cdata$y[index]
with(cdata, table(ii <- print(SurvS4(Lvec, Uvec, status,
type = "interval")))) # Check
fit <- vglm(SurvS4(Lvec, Uvec, status, type = "interval") ~ 1,
cenpoisson, data = cdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "c")
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
table(print(depvar(fit))) # Another check
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