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VGAM (version 1.0-6)

Oizipf: One-Inflated Zipf Distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the one-inflated Zipf distribution with parameter pstr1.


doizipf(x, N, shape, pstr1 = 0, log = FALSE)
poizipf(q, N, shape, pstr1 = 0)
qoizipf(p, N, shape, pstr1 = 0)
roizipf(n, N, shape, pstr1 = 0)


x, q, p, n

Same as Uniform.

N, shape

See Zipf.


Probability of a structural one (i.e., ignoring the Zipf distribution), called \(\phi\). The default value of \(\phi = 0\) corresponds to the response having an ordinary Zipf distribution.


Same as Uniform.


doizipf gives the density, poizipf gives the distribution function, qoizipf gives the quantile function, and roizipf generates random deviates.


The probability function of \(Y\) is 1 with probability \(\phi\), and \(Zipf(N, s)\) with probability \(1-\phi\). Thus $$P(Y=1) =\phi + (1-\phi) P(W=1)$$ where \(W\) is distributed as a \(Zipf(N, s)\) random variable. The VGAM family function oizeta estimates the two parameters of this model by Fisher scoring.

See Also

oizeta. Zipf, zipf, Oizeta.


Run this code
N <- 10; shape <- 1.5; pstr1 <- 0.3; x <- (-1):N
(ii <- doizipf(x, N, shape, pstr1 = pstr1))

# }
 x <- 0:10
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))  # One-Inflated zipf
barplot(rbind(doizipf(x, N, shape, pstr1 = pstr1), dzipf(x, N, shape)),
        beside = TRUE, col = c("blue", "orange"),
        main = paste("OIZipf(", N, ", ", shape, ", pstr1 = ", pstr1, ") (blue) vs",
                     " Zipf(", N, ", ", shape, ") (orange)", sep = ""),
        names.arg = as.character(x))

deflat.limit <- -dzipf(1, N, shape) / (1 - dzipf(1, N, shape))
newpstr1 <- round(deflat.limit, 3) + 0.001  # Inside but near the boundary
barplot(rbind(doizipf(x, N, shape, pstr1 = newpstr1),
                dzipf(x, N, shape)),
        beside = TRUE, col = c("blue", "orange"),
        main = paste("ODZipf(", N, ", ", shape, ", pstr1 = ", newpstr1, ") (blue) vs",
                     " Zipf(", N, ", ", shape, ") (orange)", sep = ""),
        names.arg = as.character(x)) 
# }

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