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VGAM (version 1.1-11)

Select: Select Variables for a Formula Response or the RHS of a Formula


Select variables from a data frame whose names begin with a certain character string.


Select(data = list(), prefix = "y",
       lhs = NULL, rhs = NULL, rhs2 = NULL, rhs3 = NULL,
       as.character = FALSE, as.formula.arg = FALSE, tilde = TRUE,
       exclude = NULL, sort.arg = TRUE)


If as.character = FALSE and

as.formula.arg = FALSE then a matrix such as cbind(y1, y2, y3). If as.character = TRUE and

as.formula.arg = FALSE then a character string such as "cbind(y1, y2, y3)".

If as.character = FALSE and

as.formula.arg = TRUE then a formula such as lhs ~ y1 + y2 + y3. If as.character = TRUE and

as.formula.arg = TRUE then a character string such as "lhs ~ y1 + y2 + y3". See the examples below. By default, if no variables beginning the the value of prefix

is found then a NULL is returned. Setting prefix = " " is a way of selecting no variables.



A data frame or a matrix.


A vector of character strings, or a logical. If a character then the variables chosen from data begin with the value of prefix. If a logical then only TRUE is accepted and all the variables in data are chosen.


A character string. The response of a formula.


A character string. Included as part of the RHS a formula. Set rhs = "0" to suppress the intercept.

rhs2, rhs3

Same as rhs but appended to its RHS, i.e., paste0(rhs, " + ", rhs2, " + ", rhs3). If used, rhs should be used first, and then possibly rhs2 and then possibly rhs3.


Logical. Return the answer as a character string?


Logical. Is the answer a formula?


Logical. If as.character and as.formula.arg are both TRUE then include the tilde in the formula?


Vector of character strings. Exclude these variables explicitly.


Logical. Sort the variables?


T. W. Yee.


This is meant as a utility function to avoid manually: (i) making a cbind call to construct a big matrix response, and (ii) constructing a formula involving a lot of terms. The savings can be made because the variables of interest begin with some prefix, e.g., with the character "y".

See Also

vglm, cbind, subset, formula, fill1.


Run this code
Pneumo <- pneumo
colnames(Pneumo) <- c("y1", "y2", "y3", "x2")  # The "y" variables are response
Pneumo$x1 <- 1; Pneumo$x3 <- 3; Pneumo$x <- 0; Pneumo$x4 <- 4  # Add these

Select(data = Pneumo)  # Same as with(Pneumo, cbind(y1, y2, y3))
Select(Pneumo, "x")
Select(Pneumo, "x", sort = FALSE, as.char = TRUE)
Select(Pneumo, "x", exclude = "x1")
Select(Pneumo, "x", exclude = "x1", as.char = TRUE)
Select(Pneumo, c("x", "y"))
Select(Pneumo, "z")  # Now returns a NULL
Select(Pneumo, " ")  # Now returns a NULL
Select(Pneumo, prefix = TRUE, as.formula = TRUE)
Select(Pneumo, "x", exclude = c("x3", "x1"), as.formula = TRUE,
       lhs = "cbind(y1, y2, y3)", rhs = "0")
Select(Pneumo, "x", exclude = "x1", as.formula = TRUE, as.char = TRUE,
       lhs = "cbind(y1, y2, y3)", rhs = "0")

# Now a 'real' example:
Huggins89table1 <- transform(Huggins89table1, x3.tij = t01)
tab1 <- subset(Huggins89table1,
               rowSums(Select(Huggins89table1, "y")) > 0)
# Same as
# subset(Huggins89table1, y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6 + y7 + y8 + y9 + y10 > 0)

# Long way to do it:
fit.th <-
   vglm(cbind(y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07, y08, y09, y10) ~ x2 + x3.tij,
        xij = list(x3.tij ~ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 +
                            t09 + t10 - 1),
        posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
        data = tab1, trace = TRUE,
        form2 = ~ x2 + x3.tij + t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 +
                                t09 + t10)
# Short way to do it:
Fit.th <- vglm(Select(tab1, "y") ~ x2 + x3.tij,
               xij = list(Select(tab1, "t", as.formula = TRUE,
                                 sort = FALSE, lhs = "x3.tij", rhs = "0")),
               posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
               data = tab1, trace = TRUE,
               form2 = Select(tab1, prefix = TRUE, as.formula = TRUE))

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