Computes the log transformation with an offset,
including its inverse and the first two derivatives.
logofflink(theta, offset = 0, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
log1plink(theta, offset = 0, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
For deriv = 0, the log of theta+offset,
log(theta+offset) when inverse = FALSE,
and if inverse = TRUE then
For deriv = 1, then the function returns
theta / d
eta as
a function of theta
if inverse = FALSE,
else if inverse = TRUE then it returns
the reciprocal.
Here, all logarithms are natural logarithms,
i.e., to base e.
Numeric or character.
See below for further details.
Offset value.
See Links.
For log1plink this argument should
not be used because the offset is
implicitly unity .
inverse, deriv, short, tag
Details at Links.
Thomas W. Yee
The log-offset link function is very commonly used
for parameters that
are greater than a certain value.
In particular, it is defined by
log(theta + offset) where
offset is the offset value. For example,
if offset = 0.5 then the value
of theta is restricted
to be greater than \(-0.5\).
Numerical values of theta close
to -offset or out of range
result in
Inf, -Inf, NA or NaN.
The offset is implicitly 1 in log1plink.
It is equivalent to logofflink(offset = 1)
but is more accurate if abs(theta) is tiny.
It may be used for lrho in
extbetabinomial provided
an offset log(size - 1)
for \(\eta_2\)
is included.
McCullagh, P. and Nelder, J. A. (1989).
Generalized Linear Models, 2nd ed.
London: Chapman & Hall.