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Polono: The Poisson Lognormal Distribution


Density, distribution function and random generation for the Poisson lognormal distribution.


dpolono(x, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, bigx = 170, ...)
ppolono(q, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1,
        isOne = 1 - sqrt( .Machine$double.eps ), ...)
rpolono(n, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)


dpolono gives the density,

ppolono gives the distribution function, and

rpolono generates random deviates.


x, q

vector of quantiles.


number of observations. If length(n) > 1 then the length is taken to be the number required.

meanlog, sdlog

the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution (on the log scale). They match the arguments in Lognormal.


Numeric. This argument is for handling large values of x and/or when integrate fails. A first order Taylor series approximation [Equation (7) of Bulmer (1974)] is used at values of x that are greater or equal to this argument. For bigx = 10, he showed that the approximation has a relative error less than 0.001 for values of meanlog and sdlog ``likely to be encountered in practice''. The argument can be assigned Inf in which case the approximation is not used.


Used to test whether the cumulative probabilities have effectively reached unity.


Arguments passed into integrate.


T. W. Yee. Some anonymous soul kindly wrote ppolono() and improved the original dpolono().


The Poisson lognormal distribution is similar to the negative binomial in that it can be motivated by a Poisson distribution whose mean parameter comes from a right skewed distribution (gamma for the negative binomial and lognormal for the Poisson lognormal distribution).


Bulmer, M. G. (1974). On fitting the Poisson lognormal distribution to species-abundance data. Biometrics, 30, 101--110.

See Also

lognormal, poissonff, negbinomial.


Run this code
meanlog <- 0.5; sdlog <- 0.5; yy <- 0:19
sum(proby <- dpolono(yy, m = meanlog, sd = sdlog))  # Should be 1
max(abs(cumsum(proby) - ppolono(yy, m = meanlog, sd = sdlog)))  # 0?

if (FALSE)  opar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(yy, proby, type = "h", col = "blue", ylab = "P[Y=y]", log = "",
     main = paste0("Poisson lognormal(m = ", meanlog,
                  ", sdl = ", sdlog, ")"))

y <- 0:190  # More extreme values; use the approxn & plot on a log scale
(sum(proby <- dpolono(y, m = meanlog, sd = sdlog, bigx = 100)))  # 1?
plot(y, proby, type = "h", col = "blue", ylab = "P[Y=y] (log)", log = "y",
     main = paste0("Poisson lognormal(m = ", meanlog,
                  ", sdl = ", sdlog, ")"))  # Note the kink at bigx

# Random number generation
table(y <- rpolono(n = 1000, m = meanlog, sd = sdlog))
hist(y, breaks = ((-1):max(y))+0.5, prob = TRUE, border = "blue")

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