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VGAM (version 1.1-13)

binormalcop: Gaussian Copula (Bivariate) Family Function


Estimate the correlation parameter of the (bivariate) Gaussian copula distribution by maximum likelihood estimation.


binormalcop(lrho = "rhobitlink", irho = NULL,
            imethod = 1, parallel = FALSE, zero = NULL)


An object of class "vglmff"

(see vglmff-class). The object is used by modelling functions such as vglm

and vgam.


lrho, irho, imethod

Details at CommonVGAMffArguments. See Links for more link function choices.

parallel, zero

Details at CommonVGAMffArguments. If parallel = TRUE then the constraint is applied to the intercept too.


T. W. Yee


The cumulative distribution function is $$P(Y_1 \leq y_1, Y_2 \leq y_2) = \Phi_2 ( \Phi^{-1}(y_1), \Phi^{-1}(y_2); \rho ) $$ for \(-1 < \rho < 1\), \(\Phi_2\) is the cumulative distribution function of a standard bivariate normal (see pbinorm), and \(\Phi\) is the cumulative distribution function of a standard univariate normal (see pnorm).

The support of the function is the interior of the unit square; however, values of 0 and/or 1 are not allowed. The marginal distributions are the standard uniform distributions. When \(\rho = 0\) the random variables are independent.

This VGAM family function can handle multiple responses, for example, a six-column matrix where the first 2 columns is the first out of three responses, the next 2 columns being the next response, etc.


Schepsmeier, U. and Stober, J. (2014). Derivatives and Fisher information of bivariate copulas. Statistical Papers 55, 525--542.

See Also

rbinormcop, rhobitlink, pnorm, kendall.tau.


Run this code
nn <- 1000
ymat <- rbinormcop(nn, rho = rhobitlink(-0.9, inverse = TRUE))
bdata <- data.frame(y1 = ymat[, 1], y2 = ymat[, 2],
                    y3 = ymat[, 1], y4 = ymat[, 2],
                    x2 = runif(nn))
if (FALSE)  plot(ymat, col = "blue") 
fit1 <-  # 2 responses, e.g., (y1,y2) is the 1st
  vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4) ~ 1, fam = binormalcop,
       crit = "coef",  # Sometimes a good idea
       data = bdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE)

# Another example; rho is a linear function of x2
bdata <- transform(bdata, rho = -0.5 + x2)
ymat <- rbinormcop(n = nn, rho = with(bdata, rho))
bdata <- transform(bdata, y5 = ymat[, 1], y6 = ymat[, 2])
fit2 <- vgam(cbind(y5, y6) ~ s(x2), data = bdata,
             binormalcop(lrho = "identitylink"), trace = TRUE)
if (FALSE) plot(fit2, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange", se = TRUE)

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