# This example mimics the example in Efron (1986).
# The results here differ slightly.
# Scale the variables
toxop <- transform(toxop,
phat = positive / ssize,
srainfall = scale(rainfall), # (6.1)
sN = scale(ssize)) # (6.2)
# A fit similar (should be identical) to Sec.6 of Efron (1986).
# But does not use poly(), and M = 1.25 here, as in (5.3)
cmlist <- list("(Intercept)" = diag(2),
"I(srainfall)" = rbind(1, 0),
"I(srainfall^2)" = rbind(1, 0),
"I(srainfall^3)" = rbind(1, 0),
"I(sN)" = rbind(0, 1),
"I(sN^2)" = rbind(0, 1))
fit <-
vglm(cbind(phat, 1 - phat) * ssize ~
I(srainfall) + I(srainfall^2) + I(srainfall^3) +
I(sN) + I(sN^2),
double.expbinomial(ldisp = "extlogitlink(min = 0, max = 1.25)",
idisp = 0.2, zero = NULL),
toxop, trace = TRUE, constraints = cmlist)
# Now look at the results
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
sqrt(diag(vcov(fit))) # Standard errors
# Effective sample size (not quite the last column of Table 1)
Dispersion <- extlogitlink(predict(fit)[,2], min = 0, max = 1.25,
inverse = TRUE)
c(round(weights(fit, type = "prior") * Dispersion, digits = 1))
# Ordinary logistic regression (gives same results as (6.5))
ofit <- vglm(cbind(phat, 1 - phat) * ssize ~
I(srainfall) + I(srainfall^2) + I(srainfall^3),
binomialff, toxop, trace = TRUE)
# Same as fit but it uses poly(), and can be plotted (cf. Fig.1)
cmlist2 <- list("(Intercept)" = diag(2),
"poly(srainfall, degree = 3)" = rbind(1, 0),
"poly(sN, degree = 2)" = rbind(0, 1))
fit2 <-
vglm(cbind(phat, 1 - phat) * ssize ~
poly(srainfall, degree = 3) + poly(sN, degree = 2),
double.expbinomial(ldisp = "extlogitlink(min = 0, max = 1.25)",
idisp = 0.2, zero = NULL),
toxop, trace = TRUE, constraints = cmlist2)
if (FALSE) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) # Cf. Fig.1
plot(as(fit2, "vgam"), se = TRUE, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange")
# Cf. Figure 1(a)
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
ooo <- with(toxop, sort.list(rainfall))
with(toxop, plot(rainfall[ooo], fitted(fit2)[ooo], type = "l",
col = "blue", las = 1, ylim = c(0.3, 0.65)))
with(toxop, points(rainfall[ooo], fitted(ofit)[ooo],
col = "orange", type = "b", pch = 19))
# Cf. Figure 1(b)
ooo <- with(toxop, sort.list(ssize))
with(toxop, plot(ssize[ooo], Dispersion[ooo], type = "l",
col = "blue", las = 1, xlim = c(0, 100)))
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