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logitoffsetlink: Logit-with-an-Offset Link Function


Computes the logitoffsetlink transformation, including its inverse and the first two derivatives.


logitoffsetlink(theta, offset = 0, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
                short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)


For logitoffsetlink with deriv = 0, the logitoffsetlink of theta, i.e.,

log(theta/(1-theta) - K) when inverse = FALSE, and if inverse = TRUE then

(K + exp(theta))/(1 + exp(theta) + K).

For deriv = 1, then the function returns d

eta / d

theta as a function of theta

if inverse = FALSE, else if inverse = TRUE then it returns the reciprocal.

Here, all logarithms are natural logarithms, i.e., to base




Numeric or character. See below for further details.


The offset value(s), which must be non-negative. It is called \(K\) below.

inverse, deriv, short, tag

Details at Links.


Thomas W. Yee


This link function allows for some asymmetry compared to the ordinary logitlink link. The formula is $$\log(\theta/(1-\theta) - K)$$ and the default value for the offset \(K\) is corresponds to the ordinary logitlink link. When inverse = TRUE will mean that the value will lie in the interval \((K / (1+K), 1)\).


Komori, O. and Eguchi, S. et al., 2016. An asymmetric logistic model for ecological data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7.

See Also

Links, logitlink.


Run this code
p <- seq(0.05, 0.99, by = 0.01); myoff <- 0.05
logitoffsetlink(p, myoff)
max(abs(logitoffsetlink(logitoffsetlink(p, myoff),
        myoff, inverse = TRUE) - p))  # Should be 0

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