if (FALSE) require("VGAMdata")
mysub <- subset(xs.nz, sex == "M" & ethnicity == "Maori" & study1)
mysub <- transform(mysub, BMI = weight / height^2)
BMIdata <- na.omit(mysub)
BMIdata <- subset(BMIdata, BMI < 80 & age < 65,
select = c(age, BMI)) # Delete an outlier
fit <- vgam(BMI ~ s(age, df = c(4, 2)), lms.bcn(zero = 1), BMIdata)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(fit, scol = "blue", se = TRUE) # The two centered smooths
head(cdf(fit)) # Person 46 is probably overweight, given his age
100 * colMeans(c(depvar(fit)) < fitted(fit)) # Empirical proportions
# Correct for "vgam" objects but not very elegant:
fit@family@linkinv(eta = predict(fit, data.frame(age = 60)),
extra = list(percentiles = c(10, 50)))
if (FALSE) {
# These work for "vglm" objects:
fit2 <- vglm(BMI ~ bs(age, df = 4), lms.bcn(zero = 3), BMIdata)
predict(fit2, percentiles = c(10, 50),
newdata = data.frame(age = 60), type = "response")
head(fitted(fit2, percentiles = c(10, 50))) # Different percentiles
# Convergence problems? Use fit0 for initial values for fit1
fit0 <- vgam(BMI ~ s(age, df = 4), lms.bcn(zero = c(1, 3)), BMIdata)
fit1 <- vgam(BMI ~ s(age, df = c(4, 2)), lms.bcn(zero = 1), BMIdata,
etastart = predict(fit0))
if (FALSE) # Quantile plot
par(bty = "l", mar = c(5, 4, 4, 3) + 0.1, xpd = TRUE)
qtplot(fit, percentiles = c(5, 50, 90, 99), main = "Quantiles",
xlim = c(15, 66), las = 1, ylab = "BMI", lwd = 2, lcol = 4)
# Density plot
ygrid <- seq(15, 43, len = 100) # BMI ranges
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), lwd = 2)
(aa <- deplot(fit, x0 = 20, y = ygrid, xlab = "BMI", col = "black",
main = "PDFs at Age = 20 (black), 42 (red) and 55 (blue)"))
aa <- deplot(fit, x0 = 42, y = ygrid, add = TRUE, llty = 2, col = "red")
aa <- deplot(fit, x0 = 55, y = ygrid, add = TRUE, llty = 4, col = "blue",
Attach = TRUE)
aa@post$deplot # Contains density function values
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