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VGAM (version 1.1-9)

Trinorm: Trivariate Normal Distribution Density and Random Variates


Density and random generation for the trivariate normal distribution distribution.


dtrinorm(x1, x2, x3, mean1 = 0, mean2 = 0, mean3 = 0,
         var1 = 1, var2 = 1, var3 = 1,
         cov12 = 0, cov23 = 0, cov13 = 0, log = FALSE)
rtrinorm(n,          mean1 = 0, mean2 = 0, mean3 = 0,
         var1 = 1, var2 = 1, var3 = 1,
         cov12 = 0, cov23 = 0, cov13 = 0)


dtrinorm gives the density,

rtrinorm generates random deviates (\(n\) by 3 matrix).


x1, x2, x3

vector of quantiles.

mean1, mean2, mean3

vectors of means.

var1, var2, var3

vectors of variances.

cov12, cov23, cov13

vectors of covariances.


number of observations. Same as rnorm.


Logical. If log = TRUE then the logarithm of the density is returned.


dtrinorm()'s arguments might change in the future! It's safest to use the full argument names to future-proof possible changes!


The default arguments correspond to the standard trivariate normal distribution with correlation parameters equal to 0, which corresponds to three independent standard normal distributions. Let sd1 (say) be sqrt(var1) and written \(\sigma_1\), etc. Then the general formula for each correlation coefficient is of the form \(\rho_{12} = cov_{12} / (\sigma_1 \sigma_2)\), and similarly for the two others. Thus if the var arguments are left alone then the cov can be inputted with \(\rho\)s.

See Also

pnorm, trinormal, uninormal, binormal, rbinorm.


Run this code
if (FALSE) nn <- 1000
tdata <- data.frame(x2 = sort(runif(nn)))
tdata <- transform(tdata, mean1 = 1 + 2 * x2,
                   mean2 = 3 + 1 * x2, mean3 = 4,
                   var1 = exp( 1), var2 = exp( 1), var3 = exp( 1),
                   rho12 = rhobitlink( 1, inverse = TRUE),
                   rho23 = rhobitlink( 1, inverse = TRUE),
                   rho13 = rhobitlink(-1, inverse = TRUE))
ymat <- with(tdata, rtrinorm(nn, mean1, mean2, mean3,
                             var1, var2, var3,
pairs(ymat, col = "blue")

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