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VGAM (version 1.1-9)

nakagami: Nakagami Regression Family Function


Estimation of the two parameters of the Nakagami distribution by maximum likelihood estimation.


nakagami(lscale = "loglink", lshape = "loglink", iscale = 1,
         ishape = NULL, nowarning = FALSE, zero = "shape")


An object of class "vglmff" (see vglmff-class). The object is used by modelling functions such as vglm, and vgam.



Logical. Suppress a warning?

lscale, lshape

Parameter link functions applied to the scale and shape parameters. Log links ensure they are positive. See Links for more choices and information.

iscale, ishape

Optional initial values for the shape and scale parameters. For ishape, a NULL value means it is obtained in the initialize slot based on the value of iscale. For iscale, assigning a NULL means a value is obtained in the initialize slot, however, setting another numerical value is recommended if convergence fails or is too slow.


See CommonVGAMffArguments.


T. W. Yee


The Nakagami distribution, which is useful for modelling wireless systems such as radio links, can be written $$f(y) = 2 (shape/scale)^{shape} y^{2 \times shape-1} \exp(-shape \times y^2/scale) / \Gamma(shape)$$ for \(y > 0\), \(shape > 0\), \(scale > 0\). The mean of \(Y\) is \(\sqrt{scale/shape} \times \Gamma(shape+0.5) / \Gamma(shape)\) and these are returned as the fitted values. By default, the linear/additive predictors are \(\eta_1=\log(scale)\) and \(\eta_2=\log(shape)\). Fisher scoring is implemented.


Nakagami, M. (1960). The m-distribution: a general formula of intensity distribution of rapid fading, pp.3--36 in: Statistical Methods in Radio Wave Propagation. W. C. Hoffman, Ed., New York: Pergamon.

See Also

rnaka, gamma2, rayleigh.


Run this code
nn <- 1000; shape <- exp(0); Scale <- exp(1)
ndata <- data.frame(y1 = sqrt(rgamma(nn, shape = shape, scale = Scale/shape)))
nfit <- vglm(y1 ~ 1, nakagami, data = ndata, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef")
ndata <- transform(ndata, y2 = rnaka(nn, scale = Scale, shape = shape))
nfit <- vglm(y2 ~ 1, nakagami(iscale = 3), data = ndata, trace = TRUE)
with(ndata, mean(y2))
coef(nfit, matrix = TRUE)
(Cfit <- Coef(nfit))
if (FALSE)  sy <- with(ndata, sort(y2))
hist(with(ndata, y2), prob = TRUE, main = "", xlab = "y", ylim = c(0, 0.6),
     col = "lightblue")
lines(dnaka(sy, scale = Cfit["scale"], shape = Cfit["shape"]) ~ sy,
      data = ndata, col = "orange") 

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