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VGAMdata (version 1.1-13)

Otpospois: One-truncated Positive-Poisson Distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation for the one-truncated positive-Poisson distribution.


dotpospois(x, lambda, log = FALSE)
potpospois(q, lambda, log.p = FALSE)
qotpospois(p, lambda)
rotpospois(n, lambda)


dotpospois gives the density,

potpospois gives the distribution function,

qotpospois gives the quantile function, and

rotpospois generates random deviates.


x, q, p, n

Same as Pospois.

lambda, log, log.p

Same as Pospois.


T. W. Yee


The one-truncated positive-Poisson is a Poisson distribution but with the probability of a one and a zero being 0. That is, its support is 2, 3, .... The other probabilities are scaled to add to unity. Some more details are given in pospoisson.

See Also

otpospoisson, Pospois, Oipospois.


Run this code
dotpospois(1:20, 0.5)
rotpospois(20, 0.5)

if (FALSE)  lambda <- 4; x <- 1:10
plot(x, dotpospois(x, lambda = lambda), type = "h", ylim = 0:1,
     sub = "lambda=4", las = 1, col = "blue", ylab = "Probability",
     main = "1-truncated positive-Poisson distn: blue=PMF; orange=CDF")
lines(x+0.1, potpospois(x, lambda), col = "orange", lty=3, type = "h") 

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