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VGAMdata (version 1.1-13)

ecb06.it: Italian Household Data for 2006 and 2014


Part of the data collected at two time points (2006 and 2014) by the Bank of Italy, as part of the European Central Banks Eurosystem collection of statistics, within the periodic sample surveys on households, businesses and selected intermediaries.



Data frame with the following 20 variables:


a numeric vector, a unique identification number of the household.


a factor with 5 levels, the Italian geographic area or region in which the household lives: NW = North-West, NE = North-East, C = Center, S = South, I = Islands. For users wanting a North--South contrast, this variable might be coded as NC = North and Center (NW, NE and C), SI = South and Islands (S and I).


a factor with 2 levels, the gender of the head householder: M = Male, F = Female.


a numeric vector, age in years of the head householder.


a factor with 4 levels, marital status of the head householder: married = Married, single = Single, separated = Separated or divorced, widowed = Widowed.


an ordered factor with 8 levels, the education level of the head householder: none = No education, primaryschool = Primary school, middleschool = Middle school, profschool = Professional school, highschool = High school, bachelors = Bachelors degree, masters = Masters degree, higherdegree = Higher degree.


a factor with 7 levels, the type of job done by the head householder: worker = Worker, employee = Employee, manager = Manager, business = Business person, other = Other kind of independent job, retired = Retired, unemployed = Unemployed.


a numeric vector, the number of people living in the same house.


a numeric vector, the number of children of the head householder living with him/her.


a numeric vector, the number of children of the head householder not living with the household.


a numeric vector, the ownership of the house in which the householder lives; 0 = The house is not owned, 1 = The house is owned.


a numeric vector, the number of houses owned by the family, including the one in which the family lives.


a numeric vector, the number of people in the house who have salary or some kind of earnings.


a numeric vector, the number of bank accounts collectively owned by the household.


a numeric vector, the number of credit cards collectively owned by the household.

tot.income, dep.income, pens.income, self.income, cap.income

numeric vectors, the amount of income (in Euros) collectively earned by the household through different activities. The variables can be negative if the household has installments. In order, they are the total amount of income, the amount of income earned through dependent working, the amount of income earned by the household through pensions, the amount of income earned by the household through self-dependent working, the amount of income earned by the household through capital investments.


The European Central Banks (ECB) Eurosystem requests and helps organize each country within the European Union to routinely collect statistical information via their central banks. These data frames are a subset from data collected by the Bank of Italy. Each year can be considered a cross-sectional study, although there are some people common to each year. Hence the data collectively can be considered partly a longitudinal study too.


Supplements to the Statistical Bulletin, Sample Surveys, Household Income and Wealth in 2006, New series, Volume XVIII, Number 7--28, January 2008. Banca D'Italia, Centro Stampa, Roma, Pubbl. Mensile, https://www.bancaditalia.it.


Run this code
data(ecb06.it); data(ecb14.it)
if (FALSE) {
with(ecb14.it, table(house.owned))
with(ecb14.it, barplot(table(education), col = "lightblue"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab