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huse: Harvard University Numbers of Ladder Faculty by School and Ethnicity


A two-way table of counts; there are 14 schools and 5 race/ethnicities.





The format is: chr "huse"


Ladder faculty members of Harvard University are cross-classified by their school and their race/ethnicity. This was for the period 2010--1. Ladder Faculty are defined as Assistant Professors or Convertible Instructors, Associate Professors, and Professors that have been appointed in certain Schools.

Abbreviations: FAS = Faculty of Arts and Sciences = Humanities + Social Sciences + Natural Sciences + SEAS, Natural Sciences = Life Sciences + Physical Sciences, SEAS = School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, HBS = Harvard Business School, HMS = Harvard Medical School, HSPH = Harvard School of Public Health, HLS = Harvard Law School, HKS = Harvard Kennedy School, HGSE = Harvard Graduate School of Education, GSD = Graduate School of Design , HDS = Harvard Divinity School, HSDM = Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

See the URL below for many technical details supporting the data. The table was constructed from pp.31--2 from the source.


Harvard University Office of the Senior Vice Provost Faculty Development and Diversity: 2010 Annual Report.

See Also

hued, huie.


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## maybe str(huse) ; plot(huse) ...

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