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smqP: Smoking Data in the NHANES 2017--2020 Cycle


Selected variables mainly focussed on the smoking questionnaire of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey collected during 1.5 cycles just prior to Covid-19.





A data frame with the following variables.


Identifier for individuals that can be used to merge in other data sets from the same cycle.


Numeric. Tobacco consumption: average number of cigarettes/day during past 30 days. Aka SMD650 with some preprocessing.

% \item{year_quit_smoking}{ % year_quit_smoking % Aka \code{SMQ050Q} with some preprocessing.

% }


Smoking cessation age (SCA). Is missing for those who have not quit. Computing this involved variables SMQ050Q, SMQ050U and age. The variable SMQ050Q is for How long since (you) quit smoking cigarettes? and SMQ050U are the units (e.g., years, months, days). The variable SMQ050Q is right-censored at 50 years (66666 means 50 or more years) and for such people SCA was set to NA.


Tobacco consumption: number of cigarettes smoked per day when quit. Aka SMD057 with some preprocessing.


Smoking initiation age (SIA): age when individuals started smoking cigarettes regularly. Aka SMD030 with some preprocessing.

age, gender

Age (RIDAGEYR) when surveyed; the value 80 is right-censored, i.e., subjects 80 years or older were recorded as 80. Gender is RIAGENDR .

race, race2

Race (RIDRETH1) and a binary simplification of race ("Non-Hispanic White" versus "Others").

educ, marital

Education (DMDEDUC2) and marital status (DMDMARTZ). Both variables were not collected for those aged 12--19, hence those are NAs.


Ratio of family income to poverty (INDFMPIR).

meals_fastfood_pizza, diet, readytoeat_foods

For example, for the first one, this is the number of meals from a fast food or pizza place (DBD900) during the last 7 days, where the value 5555 means more than 21 meals per week, the value 7777 means the person refused to answer, and the value 9999 means the person didn't know. The other variables may be described later in more detail.


To be described later.

people_fam_smoking, people_home_smoking

Numeric. For people_fam_smoking, this is Number of people who live here smoke tobacco? (SMD460). For this, 0 is: No one in household is a smoker; 1 is: 1 household member is a smoker; 2 is: 2 or more household members are smokers.

For people_home_smoking, this is the number of people who smoke inside this home? (SMD470). For this, 0 is: No one smokes inside the house; 1 is: 1 household member smokes inside the house; 2 is: 2 or more household members smoke inside the house.

use_cigarettes, use_pipes, use_cigars

Use during the last 5 days of smoking variants. The codes are SMQ690A, SMQ690B, SMQ690C.

use_hookah, use_ecigarettes

The codes are SMQ690G, SMQ690H.

use_snuff, use_otherSmokeless

The codes are SMQ690E, SMQ690K.

passiveSmoke_job, passiveSmoke_rest

Binary 0 (no) or 1 (yes) measuring exposure to passive smoke at certain places in the past 7 days, e.g., While you were working at a job or business outside of the home, did someone else smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products indoors? The codes are SMQ858, SMQ862.

passiveSmoke_bar, passiveSmoke_car

See above. The codes are SMQ868, SMQ872.

passiveSmoke_home, passiveSmoke_other

See above. The codes are SMQ876, SMQ880.


See above. The code is SMQ940.


The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a well-known longitudinal study located in USA (a country just north of Mexico). This data frame shares a selection of variables mainly to do with the smoking questionnaire (codeword: SMQ); some demographic and anthropometric variables might also be included and/or added later. The significance of P is that the 2019--2020 cycle was not completed due to Covid-19, hence this data concerns 2017--2020 and is a merging of the 2017--2018 cycle (data codenamed J) with further data collected just prior to the pandemic.

The original data has been preprocessed and/or simplified. For example, "Don't know" and "Refused" usually have been converted to a NA.

This data frame is subject to change, especially with the addition of new variables.


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