with(wffc, table(water, session))
# Obtain some simple plots
waihou <- subset(wffc, water == "Waihou")
waimak <- subset(wffc, water == "Waimakariri")
whang <- subset(wffc, water == "Whanganui")
otam <- subset(wffc, water == "Otamangakau")
roto <- subset(wffc, water == "Rotoaira")
minlength <- min(wffc[, "length"])
maxlength <- max(wffc[, "length"])
nwater <- c("Waihou" = nrow(waihou),
"Waimakariri" = nrow(waimak),
"Whanganui" = nrow(whang),
"Otamangakau" = nrow(otam),
"Rotoaira" = nrow(roto))
if (FALSE) {
par(mfrow = c(2, 3), las = 1)
# Overall distribution of length
with(wffc, boxplot(length/10 ~ water,
ylim = c(minlength, maxlength)/10,
border = "blue", main = "Length (cm)",
cex.axis = 0.5))
# Overall distribution of LOG length
with(wffc, boxplot(length/10 ~ water,
ylim = c(minlength, maxlength)/10,
border = "blue", log = "y", cex.axis = 0.5,
main = "Length (cm) on a log scale"))
# Overall distribution of number of captures
pie(nwater, border = "blue", main = "Proportion of captures",
labels = names(nwater), density = 10, col = 1:length(nwater),
angle = 85+30* 1:length(nwater))
# Overall distribution of number of captures
with(wffc, barplot(nwater, main = "Number of captures",
cex.names = 0.5, col = "lightblue"))
# Overall distribution of proportion of number of captures
barplot(nwater / sum(nwater), cex.names = 0.5,
col = "lightblue",
main = "Proportion of captures"))
# An interesting lake
hist(length/10, xlab = "Fish length (cm)", col = "lightblue",
breaks = seq(18, 70, by = 3), prob = TRUE,
ylim = c(0, 0.08), border = "blue", ylab = "",
main = "Lake Rotoaira", lwd = 2))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab