nn <- 150
tsdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) # A single covariate.
theta1 <- 0.45; theta2 <- 0.31; theta3 <- 0.10 # Coefficients
drift <- c(1.3, -1.1) # Two responses.
sdAR <- c(sqrt(4.5), sqrt(6.0)) # Two responses.
# Generate AR sequences of order 2 and 3, under Gaussian noise.
# Note, the drift for 'TS2' depends on x2 !
tsdata <- data.frame(tsdata, TS1 = arima.sim(nn,
model = list(ar = c(theta1, theta1^2)), rand.gen = rnorm,
mean = drift[1], sd = sdAR[1]),
TS2 = arima.sim(nn,
model = list(ar = c(theta1, theta2, theta3)), rand.gen = rnorm,
mean = drift[2] + tsdata$x2 , sd = sdAR[2]))
# EXAMPLE 1. A simple AR(2), maximizing the exact log-likelihood
# Note that parameter constraints are involved for TS1, but not
# considered in this fit. "rhobitlink" is used as link for AR coeffs.
fit.Ex1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, ARXff(order = 2, type.EIM = "exact",
#iARcoeff = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3), # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUES
# idrift = 1, ivar = 1.5, isd = sqrt(1.5),
lARcoeff = "rhobitlink"),
data = tsdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglikelihood")
vcov(fit.Ex1, untransform = TRUE) # Conformable with this fit.
# Fitting same model using arima().
(fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(2, 0, 0)))
# Compare with 'fit.AR'. True are theta1 = 0.45; theta1^2 = 0.2025
Coef(fit.Ex1)[c(3, 4, 2)] # Coefficients estimated in 'fit.AR'
# EXAMPLE 2. An AR(3) over TS2, with one covariate affecting the drift only.
# This analysis makes sense as the TS2's drift is a function ox 'x2',
# i.e., 'x2' affects the 'drift' parameter only. The noise variance
# (var.arg = TRUE) is estimated, as intercept-only. See the 'zero' argument.
# This model CANNOT be fitted using arima()
fit.Ex2 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, ARXff(order = 3, zero = c("noiseVar", "ARcoeff"),
var.arg = TRUE),
## constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, = 3, Resp = 1),
data = tsdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log")
# True are theta1 <- 0.45; theta2 <- 0.31; theta3 <- 0.10
coef(fit.Ex2, matrix = TRUE)
# EXAMPLE 3. Fitting an ARX(3) on two responses TS1, TS2; intercept-only model with
# constraints over the drifts. Here,
# a) No checks on invertibility performed given the use of cm.ARMA().
# b) Only the drifts are modeled in terms of 'x2'. Then, 'zero' is
# set correspondingly.
# arima() does not handle this model.
fit.Ex3 <- vglm(cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ x2, ARXff(order = c(3, 3),
zero = c("noiseVar", "ARcoeff"), var.arg = TRUE),
constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1 + x2, = c(3, 3), Resp = 2),
trace = TRUE, data = tsdata, crit = "log")
coef(fit.Ex3, matrix = TRUE)
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