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VGAMextra (version 0.0-7)

expQlink: Link functions for the quantiles of several 1--parameter continuous distributions.


Computes the expQlink transformation, its inverse and the first two derivatives.


expQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be entered."),
           bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE,
           deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)


With deriv = 0, the expQlink transformation of

theta for prespecified \(p\) when inverse = FALSE. If inverse = TRUE, then the inverse -log(1 - p)/theta.

For deriv = 1, this link function returns


eta / \(d\)

theta when inverse = FALSE. If inverse = TRUE, then


theta / \(d\)

eta as a function of


Similarly, when deriv = 2, the second derivatives in terms of theta are returned.



Numeric or character. This is \(\theta\) although may be \(\eta\) depending on the other parameters. See below for further details.


Numeric. A prespecified number between 0 and 1. The particular \(p\)--quantile to be modelled. For example, \(p = 0.5\) means that the median is considered by this link function.

bvalue, inverse, deriv, short, tag

See Links.


V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.


This is a link function to model any fixed quantile, say \(\xi_p\), of the exponential distribution. It is called the expQlink transformation and is defined as $$ \log (1 - p)^{-1/\lambda},$$ where \(\lambda\) is positive as in exponential.

Numerical values of \(\lambda\) or \(p\) out of range may result in Inf, -Inf, NA or NaN.

See Also

exponential, Links.


Run this code
 ## E1. expQlink() and its inverse ##
    p <- 0.25            # Modelling the first quartile.
    my.theta <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1]
    my.diff <- my.theta - expQlink(expQlink(my.theta, p = p), p = p, inverse  =TRUE)
    summary(my.diff)     # Zero

  ## E2. Special values ##
    expQlink(theta = c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN), p = p)
# \donttest{
  ##  E3. Plot of expQlink() for different quantiles  ##
    plot(expQlink(my.theta, p = p) ~ my.theta, 
         type = "l", lty = "dotted", col = "blue", lwd = 2,
         main = "expQink(p) transformation", xlab = "theta", ylab = "expQLink",
         xlim = c(-0.5, 5), ylim = c(-0.5, 5))
    abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2)
    lines(my.theta, expQlink(my.theta, p = 0.50),  col = "green", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2)
    lines(my.theta, expQlink(my.theta, p = 0.75),  col = "red", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2)
    legend(2, 4,  c("p = 0.25", "p = 0.50", "p = 0.75"), col = c("blue", "green", "red"),
           lwd = c(2, 2, 2), lty = c("dotted", "dotted", "dotted"))
  # }

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