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VGAMextra (version 0.0-7)

gammaRMlink: Link functions for the mean of 2--parameter continuous distributions: The gamma distribution.


Computes the gammaRMlink transformation, its inverse and the first two derivatives.


gammaRMlink(theta, shape = NULL, wrt.param = NULL,
                    bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE,
                    deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)


For deriv = 0, the gammaRMlink transformation of

theta, i.e. \(\beta\), when inverse = FALSE. If inverse = TRUE, then \(\theta\) becomes \(\eta\), and the inverse,

\(\alpha\) * exp(-theta), for given

\(\alpha\), is returned.

For deriv = 1, theta becomes

\(\theta = (\beta, \alpha)=\)\((\theta1, \theta2)\), and

\(\eta = (\eta1, \eta2)\), and then, the argument wrt.param must be considered:

A) If inverse = FALSE, then


eta1 / \(d\)

theta1 when

wrt.param = 1, and


eta1 / \(d\)

theta2 if

wrt.param = 2.

B) For inverse = TRUE, this function returns


theta1 / \(d\)

eta1 and


theta2 / \(d\)

eta1 conformably arranged in a matrix, if wrt.param = 1, as a function of \(\theta_i\), \(i = 1, 2\). Also, when wrt.param = 2, a matrix with columns

\(d\)theta1 / \(d\)

eta2 and

\(d\)theta2 / \(d\)


is returned.

Similarly, when deriv = 2, the second derivatives in terms of theta are returned.



Numeric or character. This is \(\theta\) ('rate' parameter) but iy may be \(\eta\) depending on the other parameters. See below for further details.


The shape parameter. Same as gammaRff.


Positive integer, either \(1\) or \(2\). The partial derivatives are computed with respect to one of the two linear predictors involved with this link. Further details listed below.

bvalue, inverse, deriv, short, tag

See Links.


V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.


The link to model the mean of the 2--parameter gamma distribution.

The gammaRMlink transformation, for given \(\alpha\) ('shape' parameter), is defined as $$ \eta = \eta(\alpha; \beta) = \log \frac{\alpha}{\beta},$$ where \(\beta > 0\) is a rate parameter. This link is expressly a function of \(\beta\), i.e. \(\theta\), therefore \(\alpha\) (shape) must be entered at every call.

Numerical values of \(\alpha\) or \(\beta\) out of range may result in Inf, -Inf, NA or NaN.

See Also

gammaRff, gammaR, Links.


Run this code
    eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(mu(b, a)).
    shape  <- rep(exp(0.8), length(eta))    # 'shape' argument.
 ## E1. Get 'rate' values.
   theta <- gammaRMlink(theta = eta, shape = shape, inverse = TRUE)  # rate
 if (FALSE) {
 ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed.
   plot(theta, eta, type = "l", las = 1, ylab = "", 
   main = "gammaRMlink(theta; shape)")
 ## E3. gammaRMlink() and its inverse ##
    etabis  <- gammaRMlink(theta = theta, shape = shape, inverse = FALSE)
    my.diff <- eta - etabis
    summary(my.diff)     # Zero
  ## E4. Special values arranged in a matrix ##
    bbeta <- matrix(eta[1:9], ncol = 3, nrow = 3)  #Ensure equal dimensions. 
    alpha <- matrix(c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN, -1 , 1, 0, -2, 2), ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
    # The gammaRMlink transformation (log(a/b))
    gammaRMlink(theta = bbeta, shape = alpha, inv = FALSE)   # NaNs produced.
    # Same as

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