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VecStatGraphs3D (version 1.6)

DrawDensity3D: Graphic representation of a point Density Map.


The density map was built as follows: a) vectors are moved to a common origin without changing its angle and module, b) end position perform a point cloud of varying density that depends on the accumulation of vectors with similar properties, c) end positions are used for to calculate the density map as a surface with values depending on the end-position accumulation per area unit. Areas where there is a greater number of points (end position of the vectors) will have a deeper color (red), while the areas a lesser density will have a less intense color (white).


DrawDensity3D(vectors, Div = 40, Layers = 3, DrawAxes = FALSE)


Matrix containing the values of the coordinates
Integer value that indicates the number of divisions that will have the density map. The default value is 40
Integer value that indicates the number of layers that will have the density map. The default value is 3
Logical value, if DrawAxes=TRUE draw axes, if DrawAxes=FALSE draw not axes. The default value is FALSE


This function returns no value, creates a 3D Graph that represents a density map of the input values.


Kernel descriptors are used to create the density map. To perform these calculations the MASS package is required. The parameter Div is very important because a very large value will cause the creation of the slow density map, and a very small value would create a ineffective density map. One way to get a set of coordinates X, Y and Z of the origin position and end position (coordinates X, Y and Z of the vector) or of the colatitude and longitude, it is using the LoadData3D function. Typical usages are
    DrawDensity3D(vectors, ...)
	DrawDensity3D(vectors, Div = 60, ...)
	DrawDensity3D(vectors, Layers = 4, DrawAxes = TRUE, ...)


Website http://gim.unex.es/VecStatGraphs2D/

See Also



Run this code
   FileName<-system.file("data/XYZcoor.txt", package="VecStatGraphs3D")
   dat<-LoadData3D(FileName, Type=1)
   DrawDensity3D(coordinates, Layers=3, Div=50)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab