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VecStatGraphs3D (version 1.6)

RayleighTest3D: Rayleigh Test. Formal test of uniformity.


This function performs the Rayleigh test of uniformity.


RayleighTest3D(coord, Alpha = 0.05)


Matrix containing the values of the coordinates
Value used to obtain the Rayleigh Value from the chi-square table. The values can be 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005. The default is 0.05.


Returns the probability value, and indicates whether or not to accept the hypothesis of uniformity.


This test detects a single modal direction in a sample of angles when the mean angles is unspecified. The hypothesis of uniformity is rejected if the mean module is very large. This test assumes that a larger mean module implies a more concentration around the mean, and therefore less probability that the data is uniformly distributed. One way to get a set of coordinates X, Y and Z of the origin position and end position (coordinates X, Y and Z of the vector) or of the colatitude and longitude, it is using the LoadData3D function.


Fisher N.I. , Lewis T. , Embleton, B.J.J. (1987) Statistical analysis of spherical data. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

Website http://gim.unex.es/VecStatGraphs3D/

See Also

AllAngleStatistics, AllModuleStatistics3D.


Run this code
   FileName<-system.file("data/XYZcoor.txt", package="VecStatGraphs3D")
   dat<-LoadData3D(FileName, Type=1)
   RayleighTest3D(coordinates, Alpha = 0.05)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab