- n_chosen
The number of observations to be drawn
- dist
The distribution; takes values 'lnorm','norm','mvnorm','weibullPH','weibull','llogis','gompertz','gengamma','gamma','exp','beta','poisgamma'
- coef1
First coefficient of the distribution, defined as in the coef() output on a flexsurvreg object (rate in "rpoisgamma")
- coef2
Second coefficient of the distribution, defined as in the coef() output on a flexsurvreg object (theta in "rpoisgamma")
- coef3
Third coefficient of the distribution, defined as in the coef() output on a flexsurvreg object (not used in "rpoisgamma")
- ...
Additional arguments to be used by the specific distribution (e.g., return_ind_rate if dist = "poisgamma")
- beta_tx
Parameter in natural scale applied in addition to the scale/rate coefficient -e.g., a HR if used in an exponential- (not used in "rpoisgamma" nor "beta")
- seed
An integer which will be used to set the seed for this draw.