Simulated dataset to illustrate the use of WCE models
A data frame with 77038 rows and 7 variables for 500 individuals. The data frame is formatted in an interval format.
numeric vector to identify observations that belong to the same individual.
numeric vector representing the event of interest. Takes the value of 1 in the interval during which the event occurs and is 0 otherwise.
numeric vector indicating the beginning of the interval.
numeric vector indicating the end of the interval.
numeric vector indicating males (0) and females (1).
numeric vector representing age at baseline.
numeric vector representing time-dependent doses of a drug.
The variables sex and age are covariates. They are optional and illustrate the inclusion of adjustment variables. Covariates can be numeric or factors.
Sylvestre, MP, & Abrahamowicz, M. (2008). Comparison of algorithms to generate event times conditional on time-dependent covariates. Statistics in Medicine, 27(14), 2618-2634.