## Example: first simulate some data.
n = 30;
n2 = 2*n;
n.3 = 20;
n.5 = 10;
MEturquoise = sample(1:(2*n),n)
MEblue = c(MEturquoise[1:(n/2)], sample(1:(2*n),n/2))
MEbrown = sample(1:n2,n)
MEyellow = sample(1:n2,n)
MEgreen = c(MEyellow[1:n.3], sample(1:n2,n.5))
MEred = c(MEbrown [1:n.5], sample(1:n2,n.3))
ME = data.frame(MEturquoise, MEblue, MEbrown, MEyellow, MEgreen, MEred)
dat1 = simulateDatExpr(ME,8*n ,c(0.16,0.12,0.11,0.10,0.10,0.09,0.15),
TOM1 = TOMsimilarityFromExpr(dat1$datExpr, networkType="signed")
colnames(TOM1) <- rownames(TOM1) <- colnames(dat1$datExpr)
tree1 = fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(1-TOM1),method="average")
colorh = labels2colors(dat1$allLabels)
## Reassign modules using the selectBranch and chooseOneHubInEachModule functions
datExpr = dat1$datExpr
hubs = chooseOneHubInEachModule(datExpr, colorh)
colorh2 = rep("grey", length(colorh))
colorh2 [selectBranch(tree1,hubs["blue"],hubs["turquoise"])] = "blue"
colorh2 [selectBranch(tree1,hubs["turquoise"],hubs["blue"])] = "turquoise"
colorh2 [selectBranch(tree1,hubs["green"],hubs["yellow"])] = "green"
colorh2 [selectBranch(tree1,hubs["yellow"],hubs["green"])] = "yellow"
colorh2 [selectBranch(tree1,hubs["red"],hubs["brown"])] = "red"
colorh2 [selectBranch(tree1,hubs["brown"],hubs["red"])] = "brown"
## Now swap and reflect some branches, then optimize the order of the branches
# Open a suitably sized graphics window
# partition the screen for 3 dendrogram + module color plots
layout(matrix(c(1:6), 6, 1), heights = c(0.8, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2));
plotDendroAndColors(tree1,colorh2,dendroLabels=FALSE,main="Starting Dendrogram",
setLayout = FALSE)
tree1 = swapTwoBranches(tree1,hubs["red"],hubs["turquoise"])
plotDendroAndColors(tree1,colorh2,dendroLabels=FALSE,main="Swap blue/turquoise and red/brown",
setLayout = FALSE)
tree1 = reflectBranch(tree1,hubs["blue"],hubs["green"])
plotDendroAndColors(tree1,colorh2,dendroLabels=FALSE,main="Reflect turquoise/blue",
setLayout = FALSE)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab