These are a subset of the German Breast Cancer study data.
A data frame with 985 rows and 12 variables:
subject IDs
event times (months)
event status; 0:censoring, 1:death, 2:cancer recurrence
treatment indicator: 1=Hormone therapy; 2=standard therapy
age at diagnosis (years)
menopausal Status; 1=No; 2=Yes
tumor size
tumor grade, 1-3
number of nodes involved
number of progesterone receptors
number of estrogen receptors
Sauerbrei, W., Royston, P., Bojar, H., Schmoor, C. and Schumacher, M. (1999). Modelling the effects of standard prognostic factors in node-positive breast cancer. German Breast Cancer Study Group (GBSG). British Journal of Cancer, 79, 1752<U+2013>1760.
Hosmer, D.W. and Lemeshow, S. and May, S. (2008) Applied Survival Analysis: Regression Modeling of Time to Event Data: Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, NY