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WeightIt (version 1.3.1)

as.weightit: Create a weightit object manually


This function allows users to get the benefits of a weightit object when using weights not estimated with weightit() or weightitMSM(). These benefits include diagnostics, plots, and direct compatibility with cobalt for assessing balance.


as.weightit(x, ...)

# S3 method for weightit.fit as.weightit(x, covs = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for default as.weightit( x, treat, covs = NULL, estimand = NULL, s.weights = NULL, ps = NULL, ... )

as.weightitMSM(x, ...)

# S3 method for default as.weightitMSM( x, treat.list, covs.list = NULL, estimand = NULL, s.weights = NULL, ps.list = NULL, ... )


An object of class weightit (for as.weightit()) or weightitMSM (for as.weightitMSM()).



required; a numeric vector of weights, one for each unit, or a weightit.fit object from weightit.fit().


additional arguments. These must be named. They will be included in the output object.


an optional data.frame of covariates. For using WeightIt functions, this is not necessary, but for use with cobalt it is. Note that when using with a weightit.fit object, this should not be the matrix supplied to the covs argument of weightit.fit() unless there are no factor/character variables in it. Ideally this is the original, unprocessed covariate data frame with factor variables included.


a vector of treatment statuses, one for each unit. Required when x is a vector of weights.


an optional character of length 1 giving the estimand. The text is not checked.


an optional numeric vector of sampling weights, one for each unit.


an optional numeric vector of propensity scores, one for each unit.


a list of treatment statuses at each time point.


an optional list of data.frames of covariates of covariates at each time point. For using WeightIt functions, this is not necessary, but for use with cobalt it is.


an optional list of numeric vectors of propensity scores at each time point.


Run this code

treat <- rbinom(500, 1, .3)
weights <- rchisq(500, df = 2)

W <- as.weightit(weights, treat = treat, estimand = "ATE")

# See ?weightit.fit for using as.weightit() with a
# weightit.fit object.

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