##User should implement a high number of bootstrap samples (R).
## R=10 bootstrap samples is not recommended. For demonstration only.
##Select a wavelet smooth level for signal
bootObj <- WiSEBoot(SimulatedSNR9Series[,4], R=10)
bootObj$MSECriteria #check WiSEBoot selected threshold (minimum MSE) -- truth is J0=3
##Test whether \alpha=0 and \beta=1 for AIRS and IPSL Run 1 at 60E
padData <- padMatrix(CM20N20S60E)
hypTest <- WiSEHypothesisTest(padData$xPad[,1], padData$xPad[,2], J0=5, R=10,
XParam=padData$linearParam[,1], YParam=padData$linearParam[,2],
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