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XLConnect (version 1.2.0)

extraction-methods: Workbook data extraction & replacement operators


Operators that allow to extract/replace data from/on a workbook.



The workbook object to use


Name of worksheet ([, [<-) or name of Excel name ([[, [[<-) to extract or replace


Only used with [[<-: Optional formula to define the Excel name if it does not yet exist on the workbook.


Not used


Data object used for replacement


Arguments passed to the corresponding underlying function to read/write the data


Martin Studer
Mirai Solutions GmbH https://mirai-solutions.ch


The workbook extraction operators are basically syntactic sugar for the common methods readWorksheet ([), writeWorksheet ([<-), readNamedRegion ([[), writeNamedRegion ([[<-).

See Also

workbook, readWorksheet, writeWorksheet, readNamedRegion, writeNamedRegion


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Load workbook (create if not existing)
wb <- loadWorkbook("extraction.xlsx", create = TRUE)

# Write mtcars data set on a worksheet named 'mtcars1'.
# Note: The 'mtcars1' sheet will be created automatically if it does
# not exist yet. Also, default values for other writeWorksheet arguments
# hold, i.e. the data set is written starting at the top left corner. 
wb["mtcars1"] = mtcars

# Write mtcars data set on a worksheet named 'mtcars2'.
# Again, the 'mtcars2' worksheet is created automatically.
# Additionally specify arguments passed to the underlying method
# writeWorksheet.
wb["mtcars2", startRow = 6, startCol = 11, header = FALSE] = mtcars

# Read worksheets 'mtcars1' and 'mtcars2'.
# Note: The default arguments hold for the underlying method
# readWorksheet.

# Write mtcars data set to a named region named 'mtcars3'. Since
# it doesn't exist yet we also need to specify the formula to
# define it. Also note that the sheet 'mtcars3' referenced in the
# formula does not yet exist - it will be created automatically!
# Moreover, default values for other writeNamedRegion arguments hold.
wb[["mtcars3", "mtcars3!$B$7"]] = mtcars

# Redefine named region 'mtcars3'. Note that no formula specification
# is required since named region is already defined (see above example).
wb[["mtcars3"]] = mtcars

# Write mtcars data set to a named region 'mtcars4'. Since the named
# region does not yet exist a formula specification is required. Also,
# additional arguments are specified that are passed to the underlying
# method writeNamedRegion.
wb[["mtcars4", "mtcars4!$D$8", rownames = "Car"]] = mtcars

# Read the named regions 'mtcars3' and 'mtcars4'.
# Note: Default values hold for the underlying method readNamedRegion.

# clean up 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab