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isSheetVeryHidden-methods: Checking if worksheets are very hidden in a workbook


Checks if the specified worksheets are very hidden (but not just hidden) in a workbook.


# S4 method for workbook,character
# S4 method for workbook,numeric



The workbook to use


The name or index of the sheet to check


Martin Studer
Mirai Solutions GmbH https://mirai-solutions.ch


Returns TRUE if the specified named sheet is very hidden (not visible but also not just hidden), otherwise FALSE. sheet is vectorized such that multiple worksheets can be queried with one method call. An exception is thrown if the specified sheet does not exist.

See Also

workbook, hideSheet, unhideSheet, isSheetHidden, isSheetVisible


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Load workbook (create if not existing)
wb <- loadWorkbook("isSheetVeryHidden.xlsx", create = TRUE)

# Write a couple of built-in data.frame's into sheets
# with corresponding name
for(obj in c("CO2", "airquality", "swiss")) {
  createSheet(wb, name = obj)
  writeWorksheet(wb, get(obj), sheet = obj)

# Very hide sheet 'airquality'
hideSheet(wb, sheet = "airquality", veryHidden = TRUE)

# Hide sheet 'CO2'
hideSheet(wb, sheet = "CO2", veryHidden = FALSE)

# Check if sheet 'airquality' is very hidden;
# this should obviously return TRUE
isSheetVeryHidden(wb, "airquality")

# Check if sheet 'swiss' is very hidden;
# this should obviously return FALSE
isSheetVeryHidden(wb, "swiss")

# Check if sheet 'CO2' is very hidden;
# this should also return FALSE - the sheet
# is just hidden but not very hidden
isSheetVeryHidden(wb, "CO2")

# clean up 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab