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XLConnect (version 1.2.0)

onErrorCell-methods: Behavior when error cells are detected


This function defines the behavior when reading data from a worksheet and error cells are detected.


# S4 method for workbook



The workbook to use


The behavior to follow when an error cell is detected. This is normally specified by a corresponding XLC error constant, i.e. either XLC$"ERROR.WARN" or XLC$"ERROR.STOP". XLC$"ERROR.WARN" means the error cell will be read as missing value (NA) and a corresponding warning will be generated (this is the default behavior). XLC$"ERROR.STOP" means that an exception will be thrown and further execution will be stopped immediately.


Martin Studer
Mirai Solutions GmbH https://mirai-solutions.ch

See Also

workbook, readNamedRegion, readNamedRegionFromFile, readWorksheet,


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# errorCell xlsx file from demoFiles subfolder of package XLConnect
demoExcelFile <- system.file("demoFiles/errorCell.xlsx", 
							  package = "XLConnect")

# Load workbook
wb <- loadWorkbook(demoExcelFile)

# Set error behavior to XLC$ERROR.WARN when detecting error cells
# Note: this is the default behavior
onErrorCell(wb, XLC$ERROR.WARN)
# Alternatively: wb$onErrorCell(XLC$ERROR.WARN)

# Read named region 'MyData' (with default header = TRUE)
data <- readNamedRegion(wb, name = "MyData")

# Now set error behavior to XLC$ERROR.STOP to immediately
# issue an exception and stop in case an error cell is
# detected
onErrorCell(wb, XLC$ERROR.STOP)
# Alternatively: wb$onErrorCell(XLC$ERROR.STOP)

# Read (again) named region 'MyData' (with default header = TRUE)
res <- try(readNamedRegion(wb, name = "MyData"))
# Did we get an error?
print(is(res, "try-error"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab