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XLConnect (version 1.2.0)

setStyleAction-methods: Controlling application of cell styles when writing data to Excel


Controls the application of cellstyles when writing data to Excel.


# S4 method for workbook



The workbook to use


Defines the style action to be used when writing data (writeNamedRegion, writeWorksheet) to the specified workbook object


Martin Studer
Mirai Solutions GmbH https://mirai-solutions.ch


The following style actions are supported:

  • XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.XLCONNECT": This is the default. data.frame headers (if specified to be written) are colored in solid light grey (25 percent). character, numeric and logical vectors are written using Excel's "General" data format. Time/date vectors e.g. Date or POSIXt) are written with the "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" data format. All cells are specified to wrap the text if necessary. The corresponding custom cell styles are called XLConnect.Header, XLConnect.String, XLConnect.Numeric, XLConnect.Boolean and XLConnect.Date.

  • XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.DATATYPE": This style action instructs XLConnect to apply cellstyles per data type as set by the setCellStyleForType methods. In contrast to the XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.DATA_FORMAT_ONLY" style action (see below) which only sets a data format to an existing cell style, this action actually sets a new cellstyle.

  • XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.NONE": This style action instructs XLConnect to apply no cell styles when writing data. Cell styles are kept as they are. This is useful in a scenario where all styling is predefined in an Excel template which is then only filled with data.

  • XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.PREDEFINED": This style action instructs XLConnect to use existing (predefined) cellstyles when writing headers and columns. This is useful in a template-based approach where an Excel template with predefined cellstyles for headers and columns is available. Normally, this would be used when the column dimensions (and potentially also the row dimensions) of the data tables are known up-front and as such a layout and corresponding cell styles can be pre-specified.
    If a data.frame is written including its header, it is assumed that the Excel file being written to has predefined cellstyles in the header row. Furthermore, the first row of data is assumed to contain the cell styles to be replicated for any additional rows. As such, this style action may only be useful if the same column cell style should be applied across all rows. Please refer to the available demos for some examples.

  • XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.NAME_PREFIX": This style action instructs XLConnect to look for custom (named) cellstyles with a specified prefix when writing columns and headers. This style name prefix can be set via the method setStyleNamePrefix.

    For column headers, it first checks if there is a cell style named
    If there is no such cell style, it checks for a cell style named
    Again, if there is no such cell style, it checks for
    (no specific column discrimination). As a final resort, it just takes the workbook default cell style.

    For columns, XLConnect first checks the availability of a cell style named
    If there is no such cell style, it checks for
    If again there is no such cell style, it checks for
    with <COLUMN_DATA_TYPE> being the corresponding data type from the set: {Numeric, String, Boolean, DateTime}. As a last resort, it would make use of the workbook's default cell style.

  • XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.DATA_FORMAT_ONLY": This style action instructs XLConnect to only set the data format for a cell but not to apply any other styling but rather keep the existing one. The data format to apply is determined by the data type of the cell (which is in turn determined by the corresponding R data type). The data format for a specific type can be set via the method setDataFormatForType. The default data format is "General" for the data types Numeric, String and Boolean and is "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" for the data type DateTime.

See Also

workbook, cellstyle, createCellStyle, writeNamedRegion, writeWorksheet, setStyleNamePrefix, setCellStyleForType, setDataFormatForType


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Load workbook (create if not existing)
wb <- loadWorkbook("styleaction.xlsx", create = TRUE)

# Set style action to 'name prefix' 
# Set the name prefix to 'MyPersonalStyle'
setStyleNamePrefix(wb, "MyPersonalStyle")

# We now create a named cell style to be used for the header 
# (column names) of a data.frame
headerCellStyle <- createCellStyle(wb, 
                             name = "MyPersonalStyle.Header")

# Specify the cell style to use a solid foreground color
               fill = XLC$"FILL.SOLID_FOREGROUND")

# Specify the foreground color to be used
                    color = XLC$"COLOR.LIGHT_CORNFLOWER_BLUE")

# Specify a thick black bottom border
setBorder(headerCellStyle, side = "bottom", 
          type = XLC$"BORDER.THICK", 
          color = XLC$"COLOR.BLACK")

# We now create a named cell style to be used for 
# the column named 'wt' (as you will see below, we will 
# write the built-in data.frame 'mtcars')
wtColumnCellStyle <- createCellStyle(wb, 
                           name = "MyPersonalStyle.Column.wt")

# Specify the cell style to use a solid foreground color
               fill = XLC$"FILL.SOLID_FOREGROUND")

# Specify the foreground color to be used
                       color = XLC$"COLOR.LIGHT_ORANGE")

# We now create a named cell style to be used for 
# the 3rd column in the data.frame
wtColumnCellStyle <- createCellStyle(wb, 
                            name = "MyPersonalStyle.Column.3")

# Specify the cell style to use a solid foreground color
               fill = XLC$"FILL.SOLID_FOREGROUND")

# Specify the foreground color to be used
                       color = XLC$"COLOR.LIME")

# Create a sheet named 'mtcars'
createSheet(wb, name = "mtcars")

# Create a named region called 'mtcars' referring to 
# the sheet called 'mtcars'
createName(wb, name = "mtcars", formula = "mtcars!$A$1")

# Write built-in data set 'mtcars' to the above defined named region.
# The style action 'name prefix' will be used when writing the data
# as defined above.
writeNamedRegion(wb, mtcars, name = "mtcars")

# Save workbook (this actually writes the file to disk)

# clean up 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab