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XLConnect (version 1.2.0)

xlcDump: Dumping data sets to Excel files


Dumps data sets to Excel files by writing each object to a separate worksheet.


xlcDump(list, ..., file = "dump.xlsx", pos = -1, overwrite = FALSE)


Named logical vector specifying if objects have been dumped or not. An object may not be dumped because there was an issue with the coercion to a data.frame or the object already existed (and overwrite = FALSE) in the workbook.



character vector of names of objects inside environment pos to dump into an Excel file. Objects will be written using writeWorksheet - as such any object will be coerced to a data.frame. If missing, the list of objects will be determined via the function ls which takes any arguments specified via ....


Arguments that will be passed to the ls function for getting a list of object names in case the list argument is missing.


Excel file to which objects will be dumped. Can be an existing or a new file. Defaults to "dump.xlsx".


Environment in which to look for objects. Can be specified either as an integer specifying the position in the search list, as a character naming an element in the search list or as an environment. Defaults to -1 which refers to the current environment.


logical specifying if data should be overwritten if objects with the same name have already been dumped to the Excel file.


Martin Studer
Mirai Solutions GmbH https://mirai-solutions.ch


Each object is written to a separate worksheet named by the name of the object. Objects are written using the writeWorksheet method - as such any object will be coerced to data.frame.

See Also

xlcRestore, writeNamedRegion, writeWorksheet, writeNamedRegionToFile, writeWorksheetToFile, xlcEdit


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
xlcDump(c("airquality", "CO2", "iris", "PlantGrowth", "swiss"),
        file = "myDump.xlsx", pos = "package:datasets")
xlcRestore(file = "myDump.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)
# clean up

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab