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XML (version 3.99-0.18)

getSibling: Manipulate sibling XML nodes


These functions allow us to both access the sibling node to the left or right of a given node and so walk the chain of siblings, and also to insert a new sibling


getSibling(node, after = TRUE, ...)
addSibling(node, ..., kids = list(...), after = NA)



returns an object of class XMLInternalNode (or some derived S3 class, e.g. XMLInternalTextNode)


returns a list whose elements are the newly added XML (internal) nodes.



the internal XML node (XMLInternalNode) whose siblings are of interest


the XML nodes to add as siblings or children to node.


a list containing the XML nodes to add as siblings. This is equivalent to ... but used when we already have the nodes in a list rather than as individual objects. This is used in programmatic calls to addSibling rather interactive use where we more commonly have the individual node objects.


a logical value indicating whether to retrieve or add the nodes to the right (TRUE) or to the left (FALSE) of this sibling.

See Also

xmlChildren, addChildren removeNodes replaceNodes


Run this code
          # Reading Apple's iTunes files
     #           Here we read  a "censored" "database" of songs from Apple's  iTune application
     #           which is stored in a property list.  The format is quite generic and 
     #            the fields for each song are given in the form
     #             ArtistPerson's name
     #           So to find the names of the artists for all the songs, we want to 
     #           find all the Artist nodes and then get their next sibling
     #           which has the actual value.
     #           More information can be found in .
           fileName = system.file("exampleData", "iTunes.plist", package = "XML")

           doc = xmlParse(fileName)
           nodes = getNodeSet(doc, "//key[text() = 'Artist']")
           sapply(nodes, function(x)  xmlValue(getSibling(x)))

      f = system.file("exampleData", "simple.xml", package = "XML")
      tt = as(xmlParse(f), "XMLHashTree") 


      e = getSibling(xmlRoot(tt)[[1]])
        # and back to the first one again by going backwards along the sibling list.
      getSibling(e, after = FALSE)

         # This also works for multiple top-level "root" nodes
      f = system.file("exampleData", "job.xml", package = "XML")
      tt = as(xmlParse(f), "XMLHashTree")
       x = xmlRoot(tt, skip = FALSE)
       getSibling(getSibling(x), after = FALSE)

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