doc = xmlParse(system.file("exampleData", "tagnames.xml", package = "XML"))
els = getNodeSet(doc, "/doc//a[@status]")
sapply(els, function(el) xmlGetAttr(el, "status"))
# use of namespaces on an attribute.
getNodeSet(doc, "/doc//b[@x:status]", c(x = "http://www.omegahat.net"))
getNodeSet(doc, "/doc//b[@x:status='foo']", c(x = "http://www.omegahat.net"))
# Because we know the namespace definitions are on /doc/a
# we can compute them directly and use them.
nsDefs = xmlNamespaceDefinitions(getNodeSet(doc, "/doc/a")[[1]])
ns = structure(sapply(nsDefs, function(x) x$uri), names = names(nsDefs))
getNodeSet(doc, "/doc//b[@omegahat:status='foo']", ns)[[1]]
# free(doc)
f = system.file("exampleData", "eurofxref-hist.xml.gz", package = "XML")
e = xmlParse(f)
ans = getNodeSet(e, "//o:Cube[@currency='USD']", "o")
sapply(ans, xmlGetAttr, "rate")
# or equivalently
ans = xpathApply(e, "//o:Cube[@currency='USD']", xmlGetAttr, "rate", namespaces = "o")
# free(e)
# Using a namespace
f = system.file("exampleData", "SOAPNamespaces.xml", package = "XML")
z = xmlParse(f)
getNodeSet(z, "/a:Envelope/a:Body", c("a" = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"))
getNodeSet(z, "//a:Body", c("a" = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"))
# free(z)
# Get two items back with namespaces
f = system.file("exampleData", "gnumeric.xml", package = "XML")
z = xmlParse(f)
getNodeSet(z, "//gmr:Item/gmr:name", c(gmr="http://www.gnome.org/gnumeric/v2"))
# European Central Bank (ECB) exchange rate data
# Data is available from "http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-hist.xml"
# or locally.
uri = system.file("exampleData", "eurofxref-hist.xml.gz", package = "XML")
doc = xmlParse(uri)
# The default namespace for all elements is given by
namespaces <- c(ns="http://www.ecb.int/vocabulary/2002-08-01/eurofxref")
# Get the data for Slovenian currency for all time periods.
# Find all the nodes of the form <Cube currency="SIT"...>
slovenia = getNodeSet(doc, "//ns:Cube[@currency='SIT']", namespaces )
# Now we have a list of such nodes, loop over them
# and get the rate attribute
rates = as.numeric( sapply(slovenia, xmlGetAttr, "rate") )
# Now put the date on each element
# find nodes of the form <Cube time=".." ... >
# and extract the time attribute
names(rates) = sapply(getNodeSet(doc, "//ns:Cube[@time]", namespaces ),
xmlGetAttr, "time")
# Or we could turn these into dates with strptime()
strptime(names(rates), "%Y-%m-%d")
# Using xpathApply, we can do
rates = xpathApply(doc, "//ns:Cube[@currency='SIT']",
xmlGetAttr, "rate", namespaces = namespaces )
rates = as.numeric(unlist(rates))
# Using an expression rather than a function and ...
rates = xpathApply(doc, "//ns:Cube[@currency='SIT']",
quote(xmlGetAttr(x, "rate")), namespaces = namespaces )
uri = system.file("exampleData", "namespaces.xml", package = "XML")
d = xmlParse(uri)
getNodeSet(d, "//c:c", c(c="http://www.c.org"))
getNodeSet(d, "/o:a//c:c", c("o" = "http://www.omegahat.net", "c" = "http://www.c.org"))
# since http://www.omegahat.net is the default namespace, we can
# just the prefix "o" to map to that.
getNodeSet(d, "/o:a//c:c", c("o", "c" = "http://www.c.org"))
# the following, perhaps unexpectedly but correctly, returns an empty
# with no matches
getNodeSet(d, "//defaultNs", "http://www.omegahat.net")
# But if we create our own prefix for the evaluation of the XPath
# expression and use this in the expression, things work as one
# might hope.
getNodeSet(d, "//dummy:defaultNs", c(dummy = "http://www.omegahat.net"))
# And since the default value for the namespaces argument is the
# default namespace of the document, we can refer to it with our own
# prefix given as
getNodeSet(d, "//d:defaultNs", "d")
# And the syntactic sugar is
d["//d:defaultNs", namespace = "d"]
# this illustrates how we can use the prefixes in the XML document
# in our query and let getNodeSet() and friends map them to the
# actual namespace definitions.
# "o" is used to represent the default namespace for the document
# i.e. http://www.omegahat.net, and "r" is mapped to the same
# definition that has the prefix "r" in the XML document.
tmp = getNodeSet(d, "/o:a/r:b/o:defaultNs", c("o", "r"))
# Work with the nodes and their content (not just attributes) from the node set.
# From bondsTables.R in examples/
# }
## fails to download as from May 2017
doc =
useInternalNodes = TRUE)
doc = htmlTreeParse("http://finance.yahoo.com/bonds?bypass=true",
useInternalNodes = TRUE)
# Use XPath expression to find the nodes
# <div><table class="yfirttbl">..
# as these are the ones we want.
if(!is.null(xmlRoot(doc))) {
o = getNodeSet(doc, "//div/table[@class='yfirttbl']")
# Write a function that will extract the information out of a given table node.
readHTMLTable =
# get the header information.
colNames = sapply(tb[["thead"]][["tr"]]["th"], xmlValue)
vals = sapply(tb[["tbody"]]["tr"], function(x) sapply(x["td"], xmlValue))
nrow = ncol(vals),
dimnames = list(vals[1,], colNames[-1]),
byrow = TRUE
# Now process each of the table nodes in the o list.
tables = lapply(o, readHTMLTable)
names(tables) = lapply(o, function(x) xmlValue(x[["caption"]]))
# }
# this illustrates an approach to doing queries on a sub tree
# within the document.
# Note that there is a memory leak incurred here as we create a new
# XMLInternalDocument in the getNodeSet().
f = system.file("exampleData", "book.xml", package = "XML")
doc = xmlParse(f)
ch = getNodeSet(doc, "//chapter")
xpathApply(ch[[2]], "//section/title", xmlValue)
# To fix the memory leak, we explicitly create a new document for
# the subtree, perform the query and then free it _when_ we are done
# with the resulting nodes.
subDoc = xmlDoc(ch[[2]])
xpathApply(subDoc, "//section/title", xmlValue)
txt =
'<top xmlns="http://www.r-project.org" xmlns:r="http://www.r-project.org"><r:a><b/></r:a></top>'
doc = xmlInternalTreeParse(txt, asText = TRUE)
# }
# Will fail because it doesn't know what the namespace x is
# and we have to have one eventhough it has no prefix in the document.
xpathApply(doc, "//x:b")
# }
# So this is how we do it - just say x is to be mapped to the
# default unprefixed namespace which we shall call x!
xpathApply(doc, "//x:b", namespaces = "x")
# Here r is mapped to the the corresponding definition in the document.
xpathApply(doc, "//r:a", namespaces = "r")
# Here, xpathApply figures this out for us, but will raise a warning.
xpathApply(doc, "//r:a")
# And here we use our own binding.
xpathApply(doc, "//x:a", namespaces = c(x = "http://www.r-project.org"))
# Get all the nodes in the entire tree.
## Use of XPath 2.0 functions min() and max()
doc = xmlParse('<doc><p age="10"/><p age="12"/><p age="7"/></doc>')
getNodeSet(doc, "//p[@age = min(//p/@age)]")
getNodeSet(doc, "//p[@age = max(//p/@age)]")
avg = function(...) {
getNodeSet(doc, "//p[@age > avg(//p/@age)]", xpathFuns = "avg")
doc = xmlParse('<doc><ev date="2010-12-10"/><ev date="2011-3-12"/><ev date="2015-10-4"/></doc>')
getNodeSet(doc, "//ev[month-from-date(@date) > 7]",
xpathFuns = list("month-from-date" =
function(node) {
match(months(as.Date(as.character(node[[1]]))), month.name)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab