The DESCRIPTION file: YuGene YuGene This package provides a single function (YuGene). It takes a log transformed dataset (ie multiple microarray samples in an experiment) and converts the values to a cumulative proportion. Values close to zero have the lowest expression, and values close to 1 have the highest expression. When many datasets have been YuGene transformed, relative expression levels (YuGene values) can be directly compared across experiments without re-normalization without significant loss of sensitivity when compared to quantile normalized data.
Kim-Anh L Cao, Florian Rohart, Leo McHugh, Othmar Korn, Christine A. Wells. YuGene: A simple approach to scale gene expression data derived from different platforms for integrated analyses. Genomics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ygeno.2014.03.001.