log2 transformed samples using Illumina HumanWG-6 chips, 3 of which were controls, and three of which were sampled after the addition of ascorbate to the medium. Details and data available by searching `ascorbate' at www.stemformatics.org. This dataset is a random subset of 5000 genes for smaller package size and faster example times
A list containing the following components:
data frame with 48803 rows and 6 columns. The expression levels of 48803 transcripts for the 6 subjects.
a vector of 6 elements indicating the condition of each subject ('4ng.ml' or '100ng.ml')
Chung TL, Brena RM, Kolle G, Grimmond SM, Berman BP, Laird PW, Pera MF, Wolvetang EJ (2010). Vitamin C Promotes Widespread Yet Specific DNA Demethylation of the Epigenome in Human Embryonic Stem Cells; Stem Cells, 28 (10) 1848-1855,