We assessed the performance of aLFQ and the different quantification estimation methods it supports by investigating a commercially available synthetic sample. The Universal Proteomic Standard 2 (UPS2) consists of 48 proteins spanning a dynamic range of five orders of magnitude in bins of eight proteins. The sample was measured in a complex background consisting of Mycobacterium bovis BCG total cell lysate in shotgun and targeted MS modes. Three datasets are available: UPS2_SC (spectral counts), UPS2_LFQ (MS1 intensity), UPS2_SRM (MS2 intensity).
The data structure for UPS2_SRM represents a data.frame containing the following column header: "run_id"
(freetext), "protein_id"
(freetext), "peptide_id"
(freetext), "transition_id"
(freetext), "peptide_sequence"
(unmodified, natural amino acid sequence in 1-letter nomenclature), "precursor_charge"
(positive integer value), "transition_intensity"
(positive non-logarithm floating value) and "concentration"
(calibration: positive non-logarithm floating value, prediction: "?").
The data structure for UPS2_LFQ (MS1-level intensity) / UPS2_SC (spectral counts) represents a data.frame containing the columns "run_id"
(freetext), "protein_id"
(freetext), "peptide_id"
(freetext), "peptide_sequence"
(unmodified, natural amino acid sequence in 1-letter nomenclature), "precursor_charge"
(positive integer value), "peptide_intensity"
(positive non-logarithm floating value) and "concentration"
(calibration: positive non-logarithm floating value, prediction: "?"). It should be noted, that the spectral count value is also represented by "peptide_intensity"
, ProteinInference
, AbsoluteQuantification
, apexFeatures
, proteotypic