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ade4 (version 1.7-23)

fruits: Pair of Tables


28 batches of fruits -two types- are judged by two different ways.
They are classified in order of preference, without ex aequo, by 16 individuals.
15 quantitative variables described the batches of fruits.





fruits is a list of 3 components:


is a vector returning the type of the 28 batches of fruits (peaches or nectarines).


is a data frame of 28 rows and 16 columns (judges).


is a data frame of 28 rows and 16 measures (average of 2 judgements).


fruits$var is a data frame of 15 variables:

  1. taches: quantity of cork blemishes (0=absent - maximum 5)

  2. stries: quantity of stria (1/none - maximum 4)

  3. abmucr: abundance of mucron (1/absent - 4)

  4. irform: shape irregularity (0/none - 3)

  5. allong: length of the fruit (1/round fruit - 4)

  6. suroug: percentage of the red surface (minimum 40% - maximum 90%)

  7. homlot: homogeneity of the intra-batch coloring (1/strong - 4)

  8. homfru: homogeneity of the intra-fruit coloring (1/strong - 4)

  9. pubesc: pubescence (0/none - 4)

  10. verrou: intensity of green in red area (1/none - 4)

  11. foncee: intensity of dark area (0/pink - 4)

  12. comucr: intensity of the mucron color (1=no contrast - 4/dark)

  13. impres: kind of impression (1/watched - 4/pointillé)

  14. coldom: intensity of the predominating color (0/clear - 4)

  15. calibr: grade (1/<90g - 5/>200g)


Run this code
pcajug <- dudi.pca(fruits$jug, scann = FALSE)
pcavar <- dudi.pca(fruits$var, scann = FALSE)

if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
  g1 <- s.corcircle(pcajug$co, plot = FALSE)
  g2 <- s.class(pcajug$li, fac = fruits$type, plot = FALSE)
  g3 <- s.corcircle(pcavar$co, plot = FALSE)
  g4 <- s.class(pcavar$li, fac = fruits$type, plot = FALSE)
  G1 <- ADEgS(list(g1, g2, g3, g4), layout = c(2, 2))
  G2 <- plot(coinertia(pcajug, pcavar, scan = FALSE))

} else {
  par(mfrow = c(2,2)) 
  s.class(pcajug$li, fac = fruits$type)
  s.class(pcavar$li, fac = fruits$type)
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))
  plot(coinertia(pcajug, pcavar, scan = FALSE))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab