These functions simply open websites or documents available online providing resources for adegenet.
which = c("basics", "spca", "dapc", "genomics", "strata", "snapclust")
a character string indicating which tutorial to open (see details)
adegenetWeb opens adegenet's website
adegenetTutorial opens adegenet tutorials
adegenetIssues opens the issue page on github; this is used to report a bug or post a feature request.
Available tutorials are:
'basics': general introduction to adegenet; covers basic data structures, import/export, handling, and a number of population genetics methods
'spca': spatial genetic structures using the spatial Principal Component Analysis
'dapc': population structure using the Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components
'genomics': handling large genome-wide SNP data using adegenet
'strata': introduction to hierarchical population structure in adegenet
'snapclust': introduction to fast maximum-likelihood genetic clustering using snapclust