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adegenet (version 2.1.11)

swallowtails: Microsatellites genotypes of 781 swallowtail butterflies from 40 populations in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada


This data set gives the genotypes of 781 swallowtail butterflies (Papilio machaon species group) for 10 microsatellites markers. The individuals are divided into 40 populations.



swallowtails is a genind object containing 781 individuals, 10 microsatellite markers, and 40 populations.


Dupuis, J.R. & Sperling, F.A.H. Hybrid dynamics in a species group of swallowtail butterflies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 10, 1932--1951.


Run this code

if (FALSE) {

# conducting a DAPC (n.pca determined using xvalDapc, see ??xvalDapc)

dapc1 <- dapc(swallowtails, n.pca=40, n.da=200)

# read in swallowtails_loc.csv, which contains "key", "lat", and "lon"
# columns with column headers (this example contains additional columns
# containing species identifications, locality descriptions, and COI
# haplotype clades)

input_locs <- system.file("files/swallowtails_loc.csv", package = "adegenet")
loc <- read.csv(input_locs, header = TRUE)

# generate mvmapper input file, automatically write the output to a csv, and
# name the output csv "mvMapper_Data.csv"

out <- export_to_mvmapper(dapc1, loc, write_file = TRUE, out_file = "mvMapper_Data.csv")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab