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adephylo (version 1.1-17)

tithonia: Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers


This data set describes the phylogeny of 11 flowers as reported by Morales (2000). It also gives morphologic and demographic traits corresponding to these 11 species.



tithonia is a list containing the 2 following objects :


is a character string giving the phylogenetic tree in Newick format.


is a data frame with 11 species and 14 traits (6 morphologic traits and 8 demographic).


Variables of tithonia$tab are the following ones :
morho1: is a numeric vector that describes the seed size (mm)
morho2: is a numeric vector that describes the flower size (mm)
morho3: is a numeric vector that describes the female leaf size (cm)
morho4: is a numeric vector that describes the head size (mm)
morho5: is a integer vector that describes the number of flowers per head
morho6: is a integer vector that describes the number of seeds per head
demo7: is a numeric vector that describes the seedling height (cm)
demo8: is a numeric vector that describes the growth rate (cm/day)
demo9: is a numeric vector that describes the germination time
demo10: is a numeric vector that describes the establishment (per cent)
demo11: is a numeric vector that describes the viability (per cent)
demo12: is a numeric vector that describes the germination (per cent)
demo13: is a integer vector that describes the resource allocation
demo14: is a numeric vector that describes the adult height (m)


Run this code

if(require(ape) && require(phylobase)){

tre <- read.tree(text=tithonia$tre)
traits <- log(tithonia$tab + 1)
rownames(traits) <- gsub("_", ".", rownames(traits))

## build a phylo4d object
x <- phylo4d(tre, traits)
oldpar <- par(mar=rep(.1,4))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab